Note Eleven

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Dear Belladonna, 

I want to write a song for you/ For when your days are blue/ They should only be etched with the brightest of gold/ As I allowed myself to unfold

In the darkest cavern of the night/ I lay myself down/ I lost the fight/ Covered in blood that is a rusted brown/ Your cold hands will hold the crown

I cannot write a song for you/ The tears that fall are much too true/ Your ears will hear no more of their lies/ Within your eyes it is my sunrise

My Belladonna/ Whom I want to hold/ But I cannot now that your body is cold

You were my savior/ You were my heart/  But you are not here now/ Thanks to my falling apart

All I hear are screams/ They whisper things within my dreams/ The emptiness is too much to bear/ I can't believe I left you alone up there

I reach out now/ Not for the crowd/ But for the love that kept me awake/ Every single thing I did/ Was all for your sake

I want to write a song for you/ So that you may know/ I really loved you

But I don't deserve it. 


Dear BelladonnaWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt