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Today was the day we were supposed to be leaving to Canada things went great Kay understood the situation about his father but then Aubrey would be distant some days like if something was bothering him.

I was doing last minute packing when Kay came down stairs "mom what time is dad coming" he said

"Yesterday he said he would be here by 4:30 but it's already 5 maybe he's running late" I said frustrated

"I'll give him a call and I already finished packing I'll bring it down in a minute" he said

I finished and Kay yelled from his room saying his dad did not answer . It made me really pissed off that he wasn't here when he said he would be so I just called my manager and luckily he had booked some extra tickets just in case.

"Baby come downstairs your uncle is going to drop us off at the air port" I said

"Isn't dad coming wi-

" well obviously he's not here and we need to go"

"Y'all ready" rob came out

I lied to rob that Aubs was at the airport waiting for us for he wouldn't get mad or worried. He dropped us off and we waited some time for our flight to be called and yet still no call from him.

When we got there I checked in our hotel and showered when I received a phone call from my mom

Hey sweetie can I talk to you please she said

"What's up mom"

I just want to know why you never told me and how Kim knew and I didn't and I'm not taking nobody's side I just feel like we don't communicate like a mother and daughter should she said

"Please she did it just for show and every time I try to talk to you it turns to a disaster I love you I truly do mom but sometimes you piss me off so much I felt like I wasn't your daughter when I was younger you were hardly there for me that's why I always left that's why I'm always distant" I said

I know I know that's why I want to fix it I want us to be a normal family she said

"There's no such thing as a normal family but why not give it a try" I said sarcastically

I talked on the phone with my mom for about 30 min when I just hung up and started to prepare something to eat for me and Kay .

"Mom dad is calling me" he said

"Answer him if you want" I said

I finished cooking and started eating "he wants to talk to you" Kay said as he made his way over here and handed me the phone.

"Adri why'd you leave without me" he said kinda angry

"I got tired of fucking waiting on you I called you and you didn't answer so I left" I said

"Where are you staying at ?" He asked

"In a hotel that James booked for me " I said

"I swear you better not talk to Trey I will beat his ass up if he comes near you guys" he said

"Well good luck with that since your not here there's not a possible way you can do that , in fact why don't I just go pay him a visit" I said trying to make him even more angry

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 18, 2018 ⏰

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