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The feel of someone embracing her from beneath, from deeper within the water, made her jolt out of shock. She would have screamed but her body essentially became paralyzed. The arms were soft and almost slimy against her bare skin as it pulled her against a chest of some sort. It stood her upright. Though her feet couldn't reach the bottom this far out, the thing holding her didn't let her slip down into the water. Her breathing was nonexistent, though her heart was pounding wildly and her brain synapses were firing a million times a second.

"Rose," a ghostly male voice whispered into her ear, its breath so cool on her wet skin that it sent a shiver down her spine. "Rose."

One of his hands ran up her waist where it supported her enough to fondle a tit. She finally managed to utter a strangled gasp. This person was molesting her! When she ordered her body to thrash and fight, it remained limp in his arms. She tried to scream again but her throat remained constricted, though she now could breathe through her nostrils. The man nestled his face into the crook of her neck and purred like an animal. His face felt slimy like his hands, but she found herself somehow enjoying it.

Hell, I could use some action, she thought. Wait! I don't even know who this is! I can't even see his damn face from this angle! What if he's ugly?

It didn't matter, really. Because now the man was squeezing her nipple and nibbling on her neck while his other hand moved down to her pussy and teased her clit.

Her body permitted a throaty moan. Maybe this was another dream. It felt too good to be real anyway.

She felt her sex begin to swell. The man bit lightly onto her neck and began to suck. His teeth were sharp, sharper than she expected, and she gasped at the combination of pain and pleasure. Mostly pleasure from the pain.

He rubbed his finger more vigorously against her bud until she was a trembling, moaning mess. She felt something hard poke her butt and was overcome with another wave of arousal.

One finger slipped into her heat and thrusted gently but firmly in and out. She shuddered violently as her body reacted to the foreign member of pleasure.

In and out he thrusted his finger, adding another when she had relaxed enough. By this point Rosalyn's back was arched, her head dipped back. Her eyes were closed.

"Rose," he murmured huskily and desperate.

She didn't realize he was turning her around until she felt her tits smoosh against something. Her hands moved to grab his shoulders. The skin here felt slimier than normal, but she was far too immersed in ecstasy to mind.

His erection nudged her opening. Moaning into his shoulder, she gripped him, hard. He took the opportunity to plunge himself into her.

A silent shriek remained trapped in her throat. It had been incredibly painful but he was already moving into a rhythm of thrusting. His dick slid into her, rubbing her swollen clit and reaching her g-spot simultaneously. She moaned again as she felt the inevitable escalation towards bliss.

Her senses vaguely knew she was now rocking senselessly on his erection, and she was about to lose what little sanity she left. At last, she reached the peak and exploded.

Pleasure blasted her body through her worked sex and she instantly went flaccid in his arms.

He pulled out of her, though she didn't know if he himself had gotten his high, and carried her through the water. Where? She didn't know and didn't care. The activity had exhausted her, even for how short lived it had been. Two-minutes, maybe?

Then she unknowingly fell asleep in the man's hold.


Rosalyn woke peacefully to the bright rays of the sun peeking in through the trees. It didn't take but a moment for her to realize she shouldn't have been outside. Then an instant memory of last night and the man in the lake shook her memory, and a sinful shiver rolled down her spine.

She had never been touched like that before, never been plunged into so expertly. Her hips achingly protested as she moved to sit up, blinking the sleep from her eyes.

Instead of seeing herself surrounded by trees, she found herself in a mud cave. It was shallow, though, and sunlight still strewn in through the mouth. Her breathing hitched.

Where the hell am I?

As she moved onto her hands and knees to prevent herself from hitting her head, she felt a cool breeze across her chest and looked down to find herself naked. But not only that, her naked body was also covered in mud. She gasped out of shock.


How did she get like this? It just have been the man she slept with. Making a sickened sound from the back of her throat, she shook her head and crawled to the mouth of the mud cave.

This is what I get for being careless, she thought bitterly. I wake up in a damn cave. Other girls wake up in a nice bed with an STI. But no, not me. Probably got an STI and woke up in a cave.

The cave was carved into the lake bank just a few feet above the water level. She didn't see how she'd be able to get out of the cave without getting into the water first.

Besides, she needed to get the mud off. It probably had all kinds of insects and bacteria in it. That thought alone sent her falling into the morning-lit emerald waters.

The water gulped her up in its cool grasp before she jutted back up, gasping for air. Most of the mud came off with her plunge, but she finished scrubbing the rest off while taking in her surroundings. From what she could tell, she was on the opposite side of the lake from the cabin.

Now how did that happen?

Heaven knew how long it would take her to make the trek around. She probably wouldn't make it if she tried to swim, though her fears of the green-fleshed fish had returned and swimming didn't really appeal to her.

Now that the mud was off, she swam to the nearest, most accessible part of the bank and crawled out. A few branches and creepy seaweed scratched at her legs, but she made manages to escape their grips. She rose to her feet and looked around again.

Naked and afraid, she thought. How suitable.

Roughly an hour and a half later, Rosalyn found the lake house dock. Her clothes were somehow gone but the lantern was still there.

Too tired to be overly upset about the clothes, she collected the lantern and headed up to the house. She had to leave tonight and go back to reality. At least she'd managed to get laid while she was here. Everything was quiet when she made it back into the house and stepped into the shower. Maybe two minutes of intense hair scrubbing had passed before she heard a noise.


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