My Best Friend's Dating Problem

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"That's stupid!" I yelled at my friend. That has always been my line ever since I was in, let's say, sixth grade. Now that I'm already a junior high, nothing has changed.

"What do you expect me to do? Run after her?" he defended, as if it was the silliest thing in the world.

I just rolled my eyes in annoyance and walked away to avoid hearing his senseless excuses. And as always, he ran after me so that he could ask me what to do next and the cycle would go on. I just wish the maze he was creating would soon end. Because frankly speaking, it's getting into my nerves.

He is Brent Villa, my closest guy friend. We've been together for as long as I can remember.  And like what I've said earlier, nothing has changed even now that we'll soon be seniors. He's pretty smart and since we study together, it rubs off on me too. And although he is considered a nerd, a number of girls take notice of his gentle, boyish face.

Well, yeah..coming from a girl's point of view, I gotta admit he could be what everyone might consider 'cute'. But I just want to clarify something. I don't have any hidden feelings nor one-sided slash unrequited love going on for him. I'm not defensive. I just keep hearing rumors that I'm the reason why Brent is still single. Besides, I think girls are more attractive. If you know what I mean.

Anywho, although Brent is popular at school, it seems as if he's not interested in any of his admirers. Oh, but he went to a few blind dates before--with me as a chaperone. Pathetic right? How can a popular guy ask a girl to be his wingman? And it's irritating because everytime, I am getting the hairy eye from his date. And I couldn't blame the girl. What is a third wheel doing on a date anyways? Pfft.

So when the word went around that my poor friend couldn't go to dates without me, I thought his fame would be shot down to ground level. But the horror! The females find it attractive! I mean, really? How can a shy boy be so..ugh.

So in short, that didn't stop the girls from wanting him and would set up double dates so I won't look stupid. And it's the most mundane gathering of all times because I'm paired with a boy who wouldn't stop pestering me to go out with him after the double date went wrong. Sure I look and dress like a long-haired girl but couldn't they figure out I'm aiming for my fellow children of Venus? And why did the blind date go down the drain you ask? Because stupid Brent doesn't know how to strike a conversation with a girl so I end up hosting a Q&A portion instead.

Oh, and did I mention that if it turns out that he doesn't like the girl, he'd just go MIA after excusing himself to go to the bathroom or to take a fake call. And he'd be gone for HOURS. Which, of course, is pretty obvious to the grief-stricken girl who just got dumped in front of me.

Okay, now you see that Brent may be a genius and many girls throw themselves at his feet. But he's just dumb when it comes to love--as in facepalm dumb.

"You know what? I might be dead right now if I haven't met you. Thanks so much, Keith. You're really a best friend."

Those words and a couple of free meals are the only consolation I'm holding on to that's why I can still keep up with his thick-witted ideas. After all, I'm the only closest friend he has and maybe, like him, I couldn't afford to lose a pal who knows exactly what is written behind my palm.

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