august 30th, 4:30 pm

119 1 0

Farkle: Hey, Riles. It's been a while.

Riley: Farkle! How's rehab?

Farkle: you make it sound like I'm a crack addict when you say rehab

Riley: you're an alcoholic with severe depression, rehab is exactly where you're supposed to be

Farkle: fair enough

Farkle: anyway, it's going great

Farkle: my therapist says I've made some real progress and that I could be let out soon.


Riley: if only you could be here now :(

Farkle: yeah, but I will soon

Farkle: how's your dorm?

Riley: just finished unpacking, it's great so far

Riley: my roommate's really nice too

Riley: just wish you were here

Farkle: your wish is my command

Riley: ha, I wish

Farkle: I'll talk to you later, okay?

Riley: okay goodbye


As Riley tossed her phone to the side of her bed, she looked up at the ceiling with a sigh. She was happy she was now in college and starting her adulthood, but she couldn't deny how half empty she felt with Farkle gone. Sure she had survived these past months without him, but now she was in a new state with her friends scattered across the country, and she had truly never felt so alone before.

"I'm headed out to eat, wanna come?" Her new roommate paused at the door as she waited for her answer. The brunette smiled over at the tall blonde. When Maya was all the way on the other side of the country, it was nice to have a quirky blonde looking out for her.

"No thanks, Cindy. I'll eat later." She nodded and gave her a small smile before heading out of the room. Riley decided that laying down in her bed could have been a good way to past the time when a sudden knock came at her door.

She groaned quietly. Were her parents seriously here to visit her when she had moved out not even a day ago?

Opening the door, she gasped at the tall male standing before her. Farkle was there waiting with a giant grin on his face. He definitely looked better. The dark circles under his eyes were gone, along with his worry lines. He seemed to have gotten a haircut and had a bit of stubble around his chin. Riley wasn't complaining though, he was super attractive.

He held his arms out in an expectant hug.

Instead, he got yelled at. "What are you doing here?" The brunette demanded. She suddenly gasped with horror in her eyes. "Don't tell me you busted out to come see me! Farkle, they'll track you down and send you back!"

Farkle raised an eyebrow. "What? Riley, I was in rehab, not an asylum."

"That doesn't answer my question."

He sighed loudly and entered her dorm. She shut the door and leaned against it curiously. "I got let out early because I had been doing well. I applied here knowing this is where you were going as a surprise. So, uh, surprise!"

This time, she tackled him into a hug, both of them falling onto her bed. "Really?! You're staying here?"

He grinned as she attacked his face with kisses. "Better believe it, sweetheart." She grinned happily and kissed him passionately as she moved on top of him. Farkle groaned, loving how his need for her lips was being fulfilled. "I missed you so much," he mumbled against her lips.

She whined a little and whispered, "Farkle, less talking."

"We have the rest of our lives to do this, Riles. What's the rush?"

"I've been missing you like crazy for months. I'm not waiting any longer."

They kissed feverishly and passionately, both of them content to be home.


A/N: I did it! This book is finally over. It's crazy how this story started because I had gotten my heart broken and I decided to express it in the form of writing. I was hurt and depressed for a good chunk of this book, and now I'm happy and completely moved on. I already have a new story being written, which I'm very excited about! It's about soulmates. I'll post the link to it in my next author's note.


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