Tuesday, May 8

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Today was one embarrassing day. It all started when we woke up past our wake up time in the house, Lauren was like the last one to wake up.

We didn't even have breakfast. We got into our school uniforms and then we brushed our teeths. There wasn't even enough time to do our hair and make our bed. 

After we got to school, we figured that we have just missed our first class and we need to have overtime slip and overtime to make up for the lessons that we missed, mostly we were marked absent for ur first class, mom and dad are going to kill me when they learn about this. 

When we entered our classroom for our second class, Geometry, Everyone was looking at us. I'm assuming that when teacher called my name in the attendance i didn't answer so she must have shouted ABSENT!!!! that must pretty much be the reason.I was so terrified that i was seated next to my crush and even he was starring at me but it looked like he was looking at me at a very concerned manner

Especially on this part, We had a test and I hadn't prepared for it. The worst part was that i was called to the front so i could discuss the Formula of the shapes and figures we were studying about. I went up to the front and just stood there while everyone else stare at me for saying nothing, even my crush. "Ms. Williams , we're waiting for the answer, hurry up your it's almost your break time. If you don't answer i'm afraid that you won't be able to take your snack break. 

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