The breaking point

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We go into the living room to play board games Missy wants to be Lucas's partner but I Lucas already chose me as his partner. Missy partners up with Charlie. We are playing but I keep noticing Charlie looking at me the smiling. Me and Lucas end up winning and he picks me up and spins me around. I start laughing and I notice that everyone is looking at us and I get very uncomfortable happy. I look at everyone and I say "goodnight guys I'm getting tired I'll see you in the morning." I walk back to me and Lucas's room. I sit there for a moment. I go outside on to the balcony and I see Lucas. I lay on the ground and I look at the stars.  "Lucas have you ever thought that there was a star just for you. Like after you die you become a star." "Maybe."  I stand up and Lucas says "what was that between you and Charlie." "Nothing what are you talking about?" He rolls his eyes and says "when you guys were like staring into each others souls and then in the car when you were literally babying him and saying how thankful you are for him. You never say that to me. But also when you guys just walked off after I told you how I felt. That's was a low blow maya." "I needed to have a talk with Charlie. And the only reason why I don't say how thankful I am for you is because I thought I was showing it or at least making it seem like I did. Plus you don't need it your ego is high enough. And Charlie is so caring which makes me feel like he needs a thank you." "And Because Charlie is so caring you feel the need to treat him like your boyfriend."  He says suddenly raising his voice while saying this. I get a text from Charlie.
C- are you and Lucas arguing
C- meet me downstairs please
I smile at my phone. I look up at Lucas and I shrug my shoulder while saying "I don't know what you want from me. I don't know where we stand." I laugh a little while saying "I barely know why we're fighting." I sit there in silence for a moment and then I leave. Me and Charlie go outside where he set up a fire for us out front. I feel bad because this is right in front of the view of my room where Lucas is at this moment.

He starts playing this song I would stop playing in eighth grade. He holds his hand out and I take it. He suddenly spins me and I land perfectly in his arms. We dance until the song is over. "Thanks Charlie I really needed this." We sit on the logs around the fire and we talk. I found out that Charlie also is going to college to pursue a singing major. "Maya?" "Yeah?" Charlie looks Are me with his sparkling blue eyes and says "do you want to sleep in my room tonight." I just nod my head.

I walk back into my room and Lucas is still awake. "Are we going to talk about what just happened or ignore each other." "I don't know Lucas you tell me your the one who started it." He sighs and walks over to me and says "I love you but you seem confused and I don't want to make your life any harder or stress you out. I just want you to tell me what role you want me to play in your life." I hug him and I say "I just need a friend right now." He sighs and I feel a wet stain on my shirt. "Lucas please don't cry. I just feel like it's always bad timing with us." I let go of Lucas and I take off the locker while saying "I don't think I should've taken this back." His tears start to roll down his cheeks faster. "Maya stop. Take this back. It's your. I got it for you." I hug him one more time and I say "I love you Lucas." I pull away and I wipe his tears. "I'll make time for us to get our relationship back on track. I promise." I walk out our room and I go into Charlies.

Charlie walks over to me and says "what happened?" "I broke up with Lucas. Our relationship just wasn't fun anymore." He turns off the light and turns on the tv. "What movie Maya?" "How to lose a guy in ten days." I get in bed next to him with my new silk night gown I bought for Lucas.

I turn around and I say "how do I look?" "Like you're going to a fancy sleepover

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I turn around and I say "how do I look?" "Like you're going to a fancy sleepover. But you look great." I get in bed next to Charlie and before the movie starts playing I fall asleep.

Let's just say that the rest of the trip I was great. I mean I could tell Lucas was trying to be nice to me when he knows he doesn't want to. That's a reason why I love him. He always tries to better himself.

I haven't talked to anyone.  i get depressed and my depression is slowly turning into my bully. I go to therapy now but it doesn't do anything. I take antidepressants that doesn't do anything either. I feel like my life is slowly slipping out of my hands.

I still haven't talked to anyone but maya comes to knock on my door everyday. and my depression has gotten worse. I now cut. I know that if they saw me they would be disappointed. It's a good thing I only have two weeks until I get to leave for good. I also haven't eaten in about a week and I've gotten bony. But I realized that if my friends cared about me they would have called or went to my house to check on me but they haven't. I might as well be dead.

I haven't seen Lucas since the camping trip but everyone else is having a good time. I always make time to see if he's home but he never answers the door. Charlie and I are getting closer. He has been helping me get over Lucas but I still miss him. I decided to go to a coffee shop with Charlie today. We go into the shop and I see a tall slim guy in a cowboys hoodie that looks just like the one I got Lucas. He turns around and I see it's Lucas. He is moving slowly like an old man. He looks at me and drops her drink. He walks out of the cafe and I go after him. I grab on to his wrist to make him stop. He winces in pain. I let go and say "Lucas please stop hiding we all miss you and want to talk to you." By now tears are running all down his face. "I'm dealing with things please leave me alone." Tears start to all down my face "Lucas I'm not letting you go this time. Please talk to me talk to anyone I need to know you're okay." He sits there and cries. He hugs me. I hug him back and we stand there with him crying out my shoulder I walk Lucas home and he tells me about what has been going on in the past month. I tell him about how everyone is doing and how close I am with Charlie and Missy. He looks at me and says "well we're here." "Can I come in or is this the last time I'll see you." He sighs and says "You basically forced me to let you in but it's fine." He lets me in and I sit on his couch. I look at the table in front of me and I see a pill bottle and they're antidepressants. Lucas walks into the room and I say "Lucas tell me the truth please. Are you okay?" He stands there and cries "I'm not okay. I'm depressed. I cut myself and I'm not eating." He walks over to me and hugs me. He seems like he will never stop crying. I get him to lay in the couch so he can rest. I throw out anything that Lucas can harm himself with. I write Lucas a note that says "I went out to buy to groceries I'll be back. Stay safe."

I wake up and I see Maya sitting on the edge of my bed. Maya looks at me and smiles "I brought you some burritos." I smile. "Thanks but I'm not hungry." Her smile immediately drops "of course you're hungry you haven't eaten in days." I shake my head no. "Lucas you have to eat. I'm not leaving until you eat." I sigh and say "I guess you're not leaving then. Can't you just understand that I'm not hungry." SHe shakes her head while saying "no Lucas I can't. You love food." SHe cups my face with one of his hands and says "What happened to you? What happened to my Huckleberry. Are you broken because if you are I know how to fix you." Tears start to fill my eyes. "Please leave Maya." She shakes her head no. A tear falls from my eyes and i stand up and I start to raise my voice. "What don't you understand? I want to be alone." Maya stand up and says "I'm sorry Lucas but I'm not leaving." Tears start streaming down my face. "Leave Maya! Please leave!" At this point My blood is boiling and I push maya and she falls on the ground hitting her head. "I'll leave." She says as stern as she can so she can make it seem like she's not about to cry. "I'm sorry I didn't mean to." "I know. I know you were just mad. It's okay I understand. I'll leave.". Suddenly a wave of dizziness hits me. I starts to fall back but Maya pushes me before I can fall on the floor and I end up falling on my bed. "I'm fine I'm just tired." He lays me down in my bed I sit beside him. "Lucas please stop pushing me away." He starts to cry more. I say "please don't cry your making yourself dehydrated and since you refuse to eat you need to keep all the fluid in you body." I laugh a little. Lucas smiles and rub the top of his head. "There my Huckleberry." he immediately start crying again. I freaks out a bit. "No I'm sorry I didn't mean to make you cry." I tried to wipe the tears away but He keeps crying. He gets in bed and sits me on his lap and starts hugging me. "Please stop crying Lucas. I love you." I lay my head on his chest and fall asleep.

Once I wake up I call Charlie.
M- hey I'm sorry I totally bailed on you
C- no it's okay I couldn't make it either
M- thanks Charlie I'll see you tomorrow
C- see you then Maya

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