Shaking Hands (Sam x reader)

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"Where the hell are we?" A deep voice cut through your dream somewhere near the ceiling.

You were now awake, but didn't move. There was someone in your room. You slipped your hand under your pillow and pulled out a revolver, your hands shaking. You sat up quietly and held it out to where you thought you heard the voice, pulling back the hammer with you thumb.

"Dammit Cas! Turn on the light!" Another shouted, slightly lower in depth and height than the first.

Someone snapped their fingers and the lights were flicked on to show two men, one shorter and the other really tall; your good friend, Castiel; and you sitting on your bed, clutching a gun and pointing it directly at the tall one.

"It's alright (y/n)," Castiel walked over to you and pried the gun from your iron grip. "They won't hurt you. These are the Winchesters." He explained and placed the gun on your bedside table.

"Dean." The short one waved once and sighed, glancing around your mess of a room with his bright green eyes.

"I'm Sam." The tall one smiled warmly, his chocolate eyes melting when he did so.

"Wow, he's hot." You muttered then cleared your throat and turned to Cas. "Might I ask what you're doing in my room at-" you looked at your watch "-2am?"

"There's a monster in the area. One that's been stealing single females who can sing well." Cas said, sitting on the end of your bed.

"Why are you here then? I can't sing." Your eyebrows knitted together.

Cas gave you a look then turned to Dean who was looking through all your CDs and Sam who was glancing at the titles of the many books that were stuffed into your bookshelf. "Dean, Sam. I need you to stay here and watch (y/n) until I come back."

Dean spun to face Cas to protest, but he was gone. Dean sighed then turned to you, "You got any whiskey?" He asked bluntly.

"Yeah." You got up from your bed and went into the kitchen, the boys following you. You took out a key and unlocked the liquor cabinet, taking out three glasses and a bottle of expensive whiskey. Pouring some for everyone, remaining quiet as you did so. Dean walked into your living room with his whiskey and turned on the TV. You thought he was being quite rude, but then again Cas dumped them on you with the trivial task of looking after you while he got his knuckles bloody. You shrugged it off as Dean being bored so you didn't stop him.

"So uhh (y/n)," Sam started, picking up his glass and swirling the liquid inside. "How well can you sing?"

"Well enough that there's something after me." You replied, sipping your whiskey and sitting on a barstool that sat at one side of the counter.

Sam nodded in acknowledgement and sat on a bar stool across from you, setting his cup on the counter. "So,"

"So," You repeated, tapping your fingers on your jittering thigh.

"So," Sam said again, causing a smile to form on your face.

"Is that all you can say?" you asked as you spun your cup on the counter.

"No, I just-nothing." Sam took a swig of his whiskey and replaced the cup back on the counter.

"What?" You chided and sipped your whiskey as well.

"I dunno, I just can't think straight at the moment." He pushed the cup to the side and have you a wry smile.

You chuckled to yourself and continued to spin your glass on the counter. "I'm alright with words at the moment, I just can't...stop shaking." You smiled at your cup, not daring to look back to Sam. "I'm not cold or anything, I'm just nervous. I get jittery when I'm nervous."

"It's alright," Sam placed his hand on yours and you froze in your seat. "I--I mean we-- won't hurt you, (y/n)."

You finally met his light brown eyes with your (e/c) eyes. you nodded and relaxed in the slightest.

"Get a room you two!" Dean called from the living room.

"Are you comfortable over there your highness?" Sam asked over his shoulder at the adjacent room.

"Shut up." Dean defeatedly retorted, turning back to the TV.

You took your hand back, "I'm gonna go back to bed. Thanks Sam." You smiled and downed the rest of your whiskey and placed your glass in the sink on your way out.

You didn't look back in the hallway when you heard Sam get up and follow you.

He paused in the doorway to your room. "I-I should stay in here with you to able to protect you better?" He said, scratching the back of his neck nervously.

"By all means." You said slipping under the comforter. "I'm still...nervous though. When I was little, my dad would sit with me, when I had had a bad dream, until I fell asleep."

"I could umm...sit with you if you like." Sam offered giving you a shy smile.

You nodded twice and scootched over on your bed so he could sit down.

He wrapped an arm around you shoulders once he had sat and you leaned your head on his shoulder, closing your eyes and drifting into sleep. A sleep filled with dreams of Sam and you laughing and being happy.


A/n: terrible ending, I know.

As always, comment your prompts and I'll do my best to write them!

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