Chapter three: Traumatized

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Nobody had a good sleep after what happened last night. We were on edge and shooken up. If a branch hit the window in the middle of the night, we would jump. Kylie decided to pay for our breakfasts as an apology.

"I'm really sorry, guys. I shouldn't have bought it. If I knew that it wasn't just a board game, I wouldn't have made you all play it."

"It's okay, you didn't know."

"We burned the board, and that's all that matters. So let's just, let it go. Okay?" I suggested as I took in the scenery through the car window. "Maybe talking about it brings it back, so let's just not..."

"Sounds good."


"Welcome to McDonald's, what can I get for you?" A man's voice came onto the speaker. We were startled a little bit out of the suddenness.

"Hi, can I get two hot-cakes, one with eggs and the other with a sausage. A breakfast burrito and two egg-white delight McMuffins. One frappé and 4 orange juices, all medium." Kylie ordered. The second our food was handed to us, we reached their hands in the bag at once, everyone snatching their meal like a pack of ravenous wolves. Kylie parked the car in the parking lot so we could all eat.

"Where's your mom?" Kylie asked me. Everyone seemed to have the same question in mind since they looked up at me impatiently waiting for an answer.

"She met this guy on a dating site."

"Who's this match? Did you meet him?" Christine questioned.

"I saw his profile pic, he doesn't seem to be a creepy serial killer so I told her to message him. That's what they've been doing for weeks now, but they finally decided to meet up last night. Weird part is that she asked me to leave the house."

"They're probably getting a little wine and cheese action if you know what I mean..." Kylie joked. They laughed at me as I gagged at the thought.

"I'm done with my food."

"Me too."

"Same here."

"Nose-goes!" Everyone rushed to touch their nose to not throw away the trash and as usual, I'm the last. I scowled before tossing the bag into the garbage.

Minutes later we arrived back at Kylie's house. We emerged out of the car and walked to the front door. She fished out her house key from her pocket and unlocked the door. Our clamour and laughter turned into silence when we saw the ouija board; untouched as if we didn't burn it...

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