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"I don't feel so good, Mr.Stark."

Tony turns around and looks into the eyes of his apprentice. He realizes what Thanos could have done and tried to push it out of his mind. "It's going to be okay, kid," he said, not wanting Peter to be afraid too.

Tony can see tears forming in Peter's eyes. Peter dashes  forward and wraps his arms around Tony's neck, sobbing into his shoulder. "I don't...I don't know what's happening," he cries. "I don't wanna go. I don't want go, Mr. Stark, I don't wanna go, please." He grips onto Tony's shoulder even harder harder for a split second and then falls stiffly onto the ground.

Tony collapses over with him and watches the dying kid struggle to breath. Tony is speechless, he can't comprehend that this kid. This kid he had seen as a son, the only person he had loved in a long time just about to vanish forever.

"I'm sorry," Peter whispers to him. And in a fleeting moment he was gone.

Tony stands up starting to cry himself. Tears rolled down his cheeks, he didn't know what was happening, he hadn't cried in a long time.

He turned his head and saw Nebula looking down at him. There was pain in her eyes. From what he heard about Nebula, he knew she wasn't the fondest sister to have. So her being sad for someone else was surprising.

Suddenly a soft scream comes from behind him and Mantis is disintegrating the same way Peter did into his new friend, Star Lord's, arms. Soon after Star-Lord began to disintegrate too, then Drax was gone as well, and Stephen Strange disappeared looking toward Tony, and he was then left on the planet Titan alone with Nebula, just waiting for the moment either of them would leave too.

He sat down on a rock and cried even harder, burying his face in his hands. The one person Tony loved was just ripped away from him because of a big purple-faced jerk who wanted to kill half the universe, and he had succeeded.

Tony could only think about who else back on Earth had been killed. His fiancé Pepper? His best friend Happy? The rest of the Avengers?

Tony scrunched up and cried again on the rock. Peter was so happy he had just become an Avenger, it was his life long dream, and now he was gone, unable to fulfill that dream. Tony now knew more than ever that Peter deserved to be an Avenger.

A blanket of darkness began to cover Titan. Tony knew the two of them wouldn't be able to survive the night. But he would be willing to die instead of Peter, if only he could bring him back.

Nebula sat down next to Tony, he didn't even realize Nebula was crying because she had just lost her sister. He didn't even realize everyone had lost someone in that moment, and that all across the universe people were grieving the deaths of a loved one.

Tony just wanted Peter back in his arms.

I'm Sorry ⊳ Peter ParkerWhere stories live. Discover now