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You know I promised I would not end this so soon but I don't think that a lot of people are reading this anymore. So the next chapter I write might be the last for this story. I do have another story I have written called,"Bookworm,Gone Bad", I know terrible title. Anyways I like the story but I'm not sure if people would read it so it's only one chapter. If you read it and want me to continue, IM me.

Also I'm writing another story too, 'That Summer' the summary's below (it's my favorite story I've written so far)

That Summer: summary-

The last day of school my parents decided to tell me that we are going away, the whole summer. Not to an exotic vacation, no we're going to stay with my uncle. My uncle who has no kids and lives in a upscale little beach town on the Jersey Shore. A nineteen hour drive from my perfect summer.    

This is going to be the worst summer ever, or is it.  *****************************************The first day she gets to town Rose discovers an old bike in her uncle's garage, a beach cruiser. When she decides to ride it into town she finds a little coffee shop with the best coffee she has ever tasted. When a cute guy takes interest in her, will her summer get any better? Rose hopes her summer won't be as pathetic as she thinks, but then again there is nothing better than a small town if you are looking for drama.     Everyone is wealthy in the little town of Spring Lake, Rose's family fit in well. She was used to tea time, garden parties, and charity events. Every upscale town needs a country club and this town is no different, but what about the people who work at the club, the people who serve the privileged, they live in the town too. While exploring the lush club Rose discovers a secret about someone in the town, something they didn't want anyone to know. What will happen when that person is always around Rose, to keep her from telling their secret? People will start to wonder what is going on. Rose's summer may not be as boring as she thought.  

LBLBLBLBLBLBLBLBLBLBLBLBLBLBLBLBLSorry this is a really bad summary but I think this will be a good story so please just give it a chance.

I haven't published any of it cause I'm going to wait until I have written most of the story before I do so I don't have to worry about updating. So sorry about not updating I've been busy with summer and really I have started to lose a little of my interest in the story. Let me know if you think I should continue or if you are interested in 'That Summer', just to see what you think of it and if you would read it.

Unless people want me to continue then there may be a couple more chapters but I'm working on the last chapter it has been so long since I started this story and I have lost interest and I am really busy with high school but I promise I will finish it.


You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Sep 26, 2015 ⏰

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