Chapter Twelve

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Niall's eyes flutter open to Liam finger tips tracing his nose.

"Oh, sorry love. Didn't mean to wake you."

"It's fine." Niall says, placing a kiss on Liam's forehead. "How'd you sleep?"

"Perfectly." Liam answers, cheeks growing hot.

Niall rolls over onto his back and stretches.

"What time is it?" he wonders.

Liam pulls himself up, and checks the clock.

"Eight-thirty, on the dot."

Niall sits up, yawns, and puts his hands on Liam's cheeks.

"Can we wake up like this every morning?" He asks.

Liam looks at him with wide eyes and answers "What, in the same bed, in next to no clothes and smiles on our faces?" Niall nods enthusiastically. "Of course."   Liam exclaims.

He leans over, and places his lips upon Niall's. A tingly sensation runs down Liam's spine, and he pulls Niall closer. Niall leans into the kiss, throwing his arms around Liam's neck. His lips separate and Liam feels Niall's warmth on top of him. Liam has never kissed anyone like this before. Niall makes his way down Liam's neck, pressing little kisses along the way. He travels back up to Liam's lips, and stares into his warm chocolate brown eyes.

"You really know how to drive me crazy?" Liam whispers.

"Is that good or bad?"

"It's good, very good."

But of course, good things always come to an end.

"Hey guys, didn't mean to interrupt, but do you want some breakfast?" asks Danielle nervously, embarrassed by the fact that she walked in on Niall and Liam's make-out session.

Niall jumps almost three feet in the air, and runs into the bathroom. Liam shakes his head, and stands up, aware of the fact that Danielle has already seen him naked many times.

"Yeah, we'll be right down."

Danielle nods, and turns away. Liam walks over to the bathroom door, and knocks on it lightly.

"Nialler? Babe, it's me." Liam turns the knob, and walks in.

Niall looks up at him, eye glazed over.

"I ..." he starts to say.

"Shh, it's alright. Come here."

Niall stands up, and hugs Liam tight around his waist. Niall buries his head into Liam's shoulders, sobs rocking his body.

"I ... I'm sorry Liam. I just-t-t don't like p-people seeing m-me without c-clothes. I-I am self c-conscious."

Liam rubs Niall's back, soothing the Irish lad.

"It's alright love, I understand. But why do you let me see you like this?" gesturing to Niall's mostly naked body.

He wipes his tears, and clears his throat. "Because I love you, and I know you would never judge anyone."

Liam breaks into a wide grin.

"Common babe, get dressed and we'll get something to eat. Danielle makes some mean pancakes."

The two boys finally make their way down to the kitchen, just after throwing on track pants and sweaters. Danielle is leaning over the counter, opening a cupboard.

"Guys, someone help me. I can't reach the plates."

Liam chuckles, and walks over, and reaches a good foot above Danielle's head pulling three plates down.

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