The Happy Things You Can Think About

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The happy things you should think about is that god is in your heart and you need to forgive him for all the sins hid for and for dying on the cross for us. there are other things you can be happy about like when you have your first kiss and you cant stop dreaming about it nonstop. btw if uyou have any questions just text me on the message thing. I mean I like being a girl but sometimes I hate being a girl because you have to go through alot of pain. I have a funny story to tell you guys, ok my brother was sitting on the couch and hes like I ant to be a girl and I said do you really want to be a girl and he's like yea, im like boy you are so stupid to think you want to be a girl because we have to go through alot of pain and I dont think you would wanna go through that just saying, I mean thats my opinion. im just saying alot of people can change alot which is good so they can have a better life like a child. So there has been alot on my mind lately. I have been having alot of stress.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 30, 2014 ⏰

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