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"Glitter can be pretty, but it's not something you want around you all the time."

Chapter 9|Not So Golden

Francis Gold hadn't felt so unhappy in a long time

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Francis Gold hadn't felt so unhappy in a long time. His anger lashed out on his emotional girlfriend, Winsley Rile, and his best friend, Andy Crewmen, couldn't hold his temper either.

It wasn't the most helpful element that he was backstage about to perform in front of a huge crowd with just himself and a violin. Francis felt his hands getting clammy as his thoughts got the better of him, fluttering his veins with nerves.

Francis couldn't find himself; not in his reflection, not in his perfection, and not in his violin. Living a life so right felt so wrong. That's how anger easily flooded when he got vulnerable.

He checked his phone eagerly once again in the hopes that Winsley even had the empathy in her to check his message. Francis was waiting for the day when she'd be in the audience supporting him less than a week ago, but now that moment might never come.

Applause erupted in the crowd as the pretty harp player bowed on stage, the crimson colored curtains meeting ends as her shadow escaped the spotlight. Once he was cued, Francis walked up to the polished wooden stool and property positioned his violin, letting it mold into the his skin.

The curtains swayed apart as the light illuminated on Francis. There was a second of silence, he could feel all the eyes burning into his figure.

Then with a silent and shaky breath, hands of the musician penetrate the silence with a beautiful melody. Once Francis becomes apart of the music itself, he has the moment where he for once feels enthralled with being lost.

But all good things must come to an end, and for Francis, it is no exception. The audience claps loudly as satisfaction fills his ears. Francis once again feels all his self esteem rely and grow on impressing the people around him.

Twenty-two minutes later, he searches for the girl he misses with shiny brown locks and eyes the color of a chocolate bar. Six feet away is a girl with her arms shyly curled to her chest in the jumble full of prodigies, friends, and family. Her brown eyes are frantic as they search like they're trying to find a needle in a haystack.

And in a matter of time, their eyes meet. At first, they just bore into each other's eyes, then slowly they maneuver past the crowd to get to each other.

Winsley's arms are crossed tightly, them pressed against her chest. Francis suddenly feels more nervous, his heart beating faster than when he had to face an auditorium full of faces.

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