My Life entry 1

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This is going to be my journal where im going to write about my life and everything..soo yeah also im changing names lol I'm sixteen years old my name is Sky. I come from a small town in the states, i wont tell u where but anyways, there is so much to tell. Ill start with my two best friends who I've known siince ii was about 4. Peyton is 16 and Molly is 15. Peyton and Molly are sisters andthey are more popular whereas im more shy and reserved. Lateely, Peyton and I have been growing apart:( she has a boyfriend who we wil call John. and they are inseparable. I on the other hand have never had a boyfriend. Wow boys. Ive had my drama with them lately. We have this festivail in my town where i drank and made out with two attractive boys lol yea ik not a good idea. but its summer and I had fun and right now, to me, thats all that matters. Anyways, this year I have been struggling with EDNOS (an eating disorder), self harm, anxiety and depression. hmm well this is just a preview and beginning of my story. I may write more today but for now ttyllllllllllll lol:P

My Life entry 1Where stories live. Discover now