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E: "This will most likey be the last chapter! I hope that everyone gets a happy ending."

Yugi's POV

I'm watching Yuki. it's all I never do. I want to protect him so I do. If something bad happens I stop it from happening if he's sad I make something apper and make him happy. I want Yuki to be happy. I hear Yami talking wiht Maria. "Should we get him away from the seeing lake?" He asks. "No he can't die so it'll be ok." She says. "I know. He really loves him he's always making sure Yuki stays safe and healthy." Yami says. "You know you and Yugi can share Yuki." Maria says. "I know that now but I didn't back then." He says. "You need to fogive youself." She says. "It's hard. I did so many horrable things and almost drove Yugi to his death so many times." He says.  I look over at them "I forgive you Yami,though it rude to talk aobut someone be hind their back." I say. "You two act like brothers." Maria says. "We look a like were brothers." I say. She giggles and nods.

I see Yuki sitting in front of his house.

I see Yuki sitting in front of his house

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(Yuki's house in this timeline)

With Malik and Marik's kids running around. "My grand kids!" He says. "Yep. They wanted to see their grandma." Marik says. I smile at the sence even though I feel no joy or happyness. "Grandpa you crazy man." Yuki says. his hair was no longer black but grey. "Oh yea. Sorry." Marik says. "Do I look like a women to you?" Yuki asks. "kinda yea." Marik says. I laugh a little at that. "Marik be nice to granny." Malik says. "ok!" Marik says. "HEY! I'm not that old." Yuki says. "We're just teasing." Marik says. Yuki then sticks his tounge out at them. Marik and I both laugh. Then

Yuki grabs his chest where his heart would be. "Yuki?" Marik asks worried. I get really worried. "Something's happening to Yuki!" I say. "His time is coming." Maria says. So Yuki's dying. "And here I thought you two would call me dad." He says. Malik looks so worried. "You'll always be our dad Yuki." Marik says while crying. Yuki smiles and leans back in his chair. Marik and Malik are both crying. I'm holding back tears. even though I know I'll see Yuki when he dies it's still hard to see him die. "Hey hey we'll met in heaven." Yuki tells them. "You've helped malik and me. Your our dad! It hurts to see you go." Marik says crying even more. Yuki holds his arms out to both of them. They both hug him. Yuki pets them both. "We'll be toghter as a family in heaven I promise." Yuki says. "We'll miss you until we get to see you again." Marik says and Malik nods. Yuki then leans back and falls asleep.

I race away from the seeing lake and to the gates. I wait for Yuki to come. Yami joins me shortly. Soon Yuki appears wearing a white dress. "Yami? Yugi?" He asks. "Hi Yuki." Yami says. I go over and hug Yuki. "I missed you!" I say. "I missed you both too." He says while smiling softly. "Welcome to heaven is Yuki." I say welcoming him. Happy to be here." Yuki says.

(No POV)

Years went by and Yami and Yugi fell in love with each other. Yami, Yugi, and Yugi got married and all three of them became lovers. 40 years later Marik died and a year after that Malik died. Death and Jenae one day joined them in heaven as well. Everyone was happy and glad to be together. The end

E: this is the end of the book. I had so much fun writing this! I hope everyone enjoyed reading it! Please leave a comment I'd love to hear what you think! I hope you enjoyed!


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