The Pocky Game

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×× As we all know, (I hope), Homestuck is a VERY verbal comic! There will be a few curse words, nothin' big. Also, I made reader-san genderless, so you could be a guy reading this. Ain't I nice? :3 Also, also, you don't live THAT close to the ocean, but it isn't THAT far; you all just live in a vast community. Makes sense..? No..? Well, anyway. Boring A/N is boring, on with the pocky!! ××

"Hey, baby. You gonna invite me in?"

"For this being unexpected, I should kick you out instead!" You chuckled, albeit letting him in as you shuffled to your original destination: the laundry room.

"Excuse the mess, I was trying to clean up today." He closed the door behind him and hummed a bit.

"Not a problem; I'll stay out of your way." He plopped onto the living room sofa, his feet kicked up on the coffee table. You would cut off his legs if you weren't attending to your unkempt, dirty laundry. The television blared with life as you separated the dark articles of clothing from the lights.

As you start the wash, adding the detergent and softner tablets to their respective containers, you couldn't help but glance over to see the back of his head.

Cronus Ampora. Visiting you out of the blue? Naturally, it would be your friends further in town coming by to visit. Now, seeing how you lived slightly closer to the beach, might've struck his convenience, but you knew him all too well.

He never visits unless something's wrong... Or he's hungry.

Just as the thought left your still dazed mind, he gets up, the living room's atmosphere dimming with lack of sound, he goes towards your kitchen.

Typical Cronus.

You decided to take his migration with a pinch of salt, and from the laundry room closet, grab the vacuum. A more thorough once over wouldn't be so bad. Once the foyer carpet was steamed to perfection, (you'd say), you go to put the vacuum away. You noticed the wash was done, so you made haste to switch out the loads, and start the process over.

As soon as you press the start button for the drier, you hear a clatter from the kitchen. "Oh, damn it, Cronus! I'm trying to clean up, here!"

You hurried to your kitchen to see Cronus hunched over, a variety of colorful snacks strewn about. You can see him shuddering.

"Cronus? Are you alright..?" The closer you got, the louder his soft, restrained chuckling was. You noticed, scattered on the floor between you, the sweets you had stashed away!

"I-it's not nice to snoop through people's shit, Cro!"

"B-but, doll! This is adorable!" He raised a cakepop shakily, his laughs restricted him from raising it further. You stormed around him collecting your snacks: the Japanese jellies and the soft, bakery made cake pops; probably crumbly and destroyed now; tea leaves, your vanilla pocky and finally the cake pop in his hand.

You left the still chuckling bugger on the floor of your kitchen as you, in a huff, shoved your snacks into your pantry.

How EMBARRASSING! My weeaboo stash...

You went to leave when a hand grasped your wrist, and a sweet, sugary voice called:

"Baby doll," he hummed, catching your attention and bringing you closer. When you turned to look at him, you figured he put a candy cigarette between his lips to play stupid, but as you got closer, you noticed it to be a vanilla pocky stick! "You wanna play the pocky game?~"

Nervously, as if all your little weeaboo dreams of 'senpai noticing me' came true at once, you clumsily took your edge of the treat. One after the other, you both took turns nibbling on the stick.

Well, you were nibbling, taking your sweet ass time. He was gnawing anxiously at his end and it damn near made your heart explode.

Just as you reached the middle, both of your bated breath intermingling with the flustered air between you, a sound rang throughout your house. You took it as a blessing from whoever was watching, the anxiety and butterflies in your stomach flit away. With a snap on your side of the pocky, you run to the laundry room, a haphazard smile on your hot, red face.

"C-can't let my clothes shrink!"

From the kitchen, Cronus stood bewildered, his surroundings becoming known. He ate the rest of the pocky stick and licked at the corner of his upper lip. I'll be damned.

He rushed over to the pantry and fished out your packet of vanilla pocky sticks and cornered you in the laundry room.

"I like this game. It gives me such a rush."

~ End.

××BY THE BY, should I make more of these pocky game stories with some other characters? Like, they don't have to be Homestuck. Please check my ABOUT ME if you wish to send a request. Thank you!! ××

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