Chapter One: Away We Go

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        Sarah's POV (Point Of View)

                     I heard screams flowing out of the school. The last day of school, finally.  I checked my emails.  Perfect.  An email from my pen pal, Candy.  It read

              Dear Sarah,

                        Summer is approaching, and I was thinking, are you gonna ask your parents today?  You've been talking to me about it forever! It'd be really fun, but there's not much time!!! Hop to it, Sarah!


How could I say no? She was right, anyways. I've wanted to go to Gravity Falls since the first story I heard. I just gotta ask, against all the odds and doubts I have.  I tip-toed down stairs. I don't  have all summer .  "H-Heyy, Mom" I said stuttering "Hey sweetie! Need anything?" I gulped "Y-Yeah.." "Spill the beans! You can ask me anything." she replied with a smile.  "Well I kinda sorta.. WANNA GO TO GRAVITY FALLS FOR THE SUMMER!" I blurted.  "I-I'm pretty sure that uh Aunt Tina moved there, right?" I needed reasons... what if she says no?  "Hmmm that sleepy town in Oregon?" I almost laughed at the fact she called it "sleepy". "Yep! That's the one. My pen pal is there, and there's lots of space to have fun.." I trailed off "I think that's a perfect idea!" My smile lit up "Really?" I asked "I'll go check with your dad." She gave me a kiss on the head, and with that, she was gone.

~Le Time Skip To The First Day Of Summer~

   Dipper's POV

"Dipper and Mabel Pines if you don't get down here you are not getting on that bus!" my mom screeched. "We're coming down!" Mabel grabbed Waddles, and her bag while I grabbed my backpack and headed down the stairs.   "Come on bro bro!  We're finally going back!" I grinned as we got in the car. Soon enough we were at the "Speedy Beaver" bus stop.   Once the bus came, it's time to say our goodbyes. "Bye, Mom! Bye, Dad!" We said in unison. We hopped on the bus and were ready to go. "I missed you bus!" Mabel said. "Look, there's still some gum here!" I chuckled.  Ah Mabel, she gets excited about anything.

~ Hours Later~

The sound of the bus opening woke me and Mabel up. Huh? Who coming to Gravity Falls? A girl walked through the doors with a suitcase and a guitar case. She looked at the   empty bus a little confused.  Then, she saw me and Mabel.  "Oh uh... h-hi." She said shyly. "HELLO!!" Mabel said.  "My name is Mabel and this is my dorky twin brother, Dipper!" She gestured to me.  "Hey.." I said. I did not like how she introduced me. "Well um.. my name is Sarah." she replied. "I can't believe your going to Gravity Falls!" Mabel said exactly "None ever comes on this bus." she giggled. "None on this bus?" she questioned "Why wouldn't  anyone go here!" she said with a laugh. "What brings you here? And what do you know about the town?" I questioned "Oh Bro-bro, Its not the time to ask silly questions!" Mabel said. "You don't have to answer-" Mabel was going to say, but got cut off by Sarah. "It's fine! Actually, I came here from what I heard from my pen pal, Candy." "Candy?" Mabel questioned "She's my friend too Mabel said excited." Cool! I can't wait till we arrive!" Sarah said Mabel smiled brightly "I think we're gonna be good friends!" Sarah smiled back.

~Timeeee Skipp to arrival~

Sarah's POV

"Everyone off the bus!" the bus driver said.  "Woo hoo we're here!" I exclaimed. "Doesn't it feel good to be back, Bro-Bro?" Mabel asked Dipper. "Yeah.." Dipper laughed "It sure does."

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