Lockwood's Zoo

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This should have happened. teg.


Skull: Welcome, ladies, gentlemen and Visitors, to Lockwood's Zoo!

Skull: on our first display, we can see a female gremblin, a 'Lucyius Carlyius', be careful, she can have rabies for all we know

Skull: our next creature, a 'Gorgeous painius in my pelvius', in his natural habitat. Don't feed the George, please!

Skull: behold, ladies, gentlemen and Visitors, a 'got-your-man-in-my-trap-Holly-saintioly' for your delectation, it is said that her furry pelt is made from all the boyfriends she's stollen, and beside her, a 'Quillin-killin-my-spirits' with its great plumage before restoring it for the winter

Skull: and finally, our main event, the magnificence you were all expecting, a SILVER SMILING GIRAFFE

Lucy: *rolling and wheezing on the floor like an epileptic hyena* GOD

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