Dear Peter...

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Warning !

It was a rainy night. Where you and your boyfriend peter. Where on the couch. Trying to comfort you. Because your whole family just died. From a plane crash trying to see you. You grew more depressed each day. You've been depressed for about 9 months now , and you couldn't take it. He knew about you cuts and how you didn't want to eat. You guys were watching the movie Finding Dory. Your boy got up and told you. He was gonna get some snacks at the gas station.  When he left. You went into your room with some rope and paper.
You went to your table  and wrote him a note
             Dear Peter,
When you see this... I'll be dead. I'm sorry, that I couldn't live, You were a miracle to me. But since my parents wanted to visit me. They now can. With me. Where they are at. Called heaven. Peter I love you so much. And I know at some point. I was being annoying. From bugging you with all this sickness. Every time we ate something. I go to the bathroom. To act that I had to use it. But it was only to throw up. Peter Benjamin Parker. I'll love you to the die I do. And I'll never stop loving you. I'm sorry that I was a disappointment. That what I always will be.
  Love ( your name )
You grabbed the robe and tied it to the ceiling fan and you grabbed a chair. You step onto the chair. With streams over tears rolling down your face. You took your last and final breath.
You knocked down the chair. And that was when you were finished. When peter got home. He was wondering where you were. He check the kitchen . Nope. Bathroom . Nope. Living room. Nope. Until he came to your room. He saw your body just hanging there. He bursted out of tears.  Running toward you.  He got you out of the rope. He cried, he saw the paper and read it. He cried even more harder.

< time skip >
News : Spider-Man found dead on ally street.  He committed suicide for losing the love of his life. We now thank Peter Parker. The young boy who was Spider-Man. For saving Queens. You'll be missed Spider-Man.
Ok I know that Spider-Man would never commit suicide!   This will be the last time I'll be posting.  402 words

Peter Parker X reader Hanging aloneWhere stories live. Discover now