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"OMG! I'm so excited for the movie tonight," squealed Sophia happily as she flung her arms around Ivan.

Sophia was just a typical teenager whose beauty was admired by many. She'd been dating Ivan for three years and got engaged to him a month ago. Her mahogany hair flowed in waves to adorn her glowing porcelain-like skin and her eyes were like that of the blue sea, so calm and emotionless. She was indeed the picture of perfection.

"I'm so happy you're excited. That's the least I can do for my woman," said Ivan as he nuzzled her neck and placed a light kiss on her ear, sending butterflies in her stomach. She smelt heavenly like fresh-scented honey.

She giggled and pressed her body against his warm chest, well-defined with perfection. He was just so perfect. He smiled and kissed her lips warmly before grabbing his wallet and putting it into his jean pocket.

"Come on. We gotta be there on time before the seats gets filled up." he wore his shirt back on and grabbed his car keys from the kitchen counter, then smiled romantically at her before walking out the door.

Sophia took her time to modify herself before walking out after him. She was gonna have the best night of her life, She thought.

The cinema hall was a little world of itself. People rushed at the ticket center which covered the window out of sight. Some struggled to purchase tickets even before those that were first in line. There were a few that waited for more to join them on the show after purchasing their tickets. An old woman that could barely walk was seen pushing aside a teenager just to get her ticket. A few mischief mongers could also be seen. They sat idly staring lustfully at the ass of girls that passed by. Children could be seen running around and college students laughed at their own jokes. They seemed so eager to see the movie.

"Do you think we'll make it past the queue?" asked Sophia sadly.

"Of course, love. Or do you suggest we go back home?"

"No. I really wanna see this movie," she pouted.

She was so anxious to see this much talked about movie. Her craze grew all the more intense when she saw the poster outside the cinema hall. Stranger things. Her classmates talked so much about the movie in school. Known as one of the best Horror movies in town. Grabbing her fiance by the hand, they ran to the ticket center to purchase their own ticket.

After successfully purchasing their tickets, they bought a bowl of popcorn and walked into the cinema. They chose their seat in the middle row and sat down happily as Ivan wrapped his arm around her shoulders. The aroma of fresh popcorn and hot dog wafted through the room. She felt the patent excitement as the lights dimmed and the images began to roll on the large LED screen. She looked around to see so many people already seated comfortably, all munching on different snacks. They seemed to shut down all connections to the outside world.

A woman sitting beside her sneezed into her hand and rubbed it as if to rub off the cold. A couple seated in front of them clutched their son like a prized possession. The cinema reminded her of the one she went to in London with her father as a little girl. As she adjusted on the seat, she felt a sticky substance on her fingers from under the seat and retrieved her hand instantly only to see a pink already eaten bubblegum.

"Ewww," she said in disgust as she tried unsuccessfully to remove the bubblegum that now smeared her hand.

"You okay?" asked Ivan.

"Yeah. Just some lunatic that can't seem to know where the wastebin is," she said and showed him her hand.

He muffled a laugh, "Sorry. Here, let me remove that."

He kissed her lightly on the temple and wrapped his arm back around her shoulders before fixing his gaze to the large screen.

The scene opens with Barbara waking up from the upside down world as she called out for her best friend, Nancy. Then she sees a monster with no face, a creature from the upside down.

The movie went on, making some people scream their lungs out and clutch to each other. When the next scene showed the faceless monster coming out of the wall, the screen went blank, leaving the room pitch black.

Sophia became incredibly scared, but what really gave her the chills was that the room suddenly became deadly silent like a graveyard. She clutched herself so tight that if care wasn't taken would rip herself in half.

"Ivan?" she called out in a whisper.


She let out a deep breath happy that her fiance was still with her.

"Why is everywhere quiet? No one is talking."

"I have no idea, Sophia. I'm as confused as you are."

"I'm scared," she whimpered.

He sighed and held her firmly to himself, caressing her back. All of a sudden, a light illuminated the room and began to flicker on and off as a loud drill echoed from the screen, making them jump in fear. The light finally went off as white static filled the screen, drowning out the darkness in the room with a crepuscular glow. The screen went blank again and began to blink, revealing an image of a monster with four protruding eyes. The image flashed repeatedly, zooming closer and closer as a loud shrill pierced into their eardrums.

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