Chapter 2

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Next Morning: *wakes up and goes to Joel's bed and pulls the covers off him*- Erick
Nooo it's cold *whines and tries to grab covers back while his brown curly hair bounce s in his face*- Joel
*laughs and pulls him out of bed* rise and shine *smirks*- Erick
Ughhhh fineee *gives Erick an annoyed look*- Joel
*smiles* bein- Erick
*goes and takes shower*- Joel
*gets dressed and slips Joel's glasses into bag*-Erick
*comes out after getting dressed* lets go- Joel
Okay let's go!- Erick
Wait, where are my glasses?- Joel
*tries to keep a straight face* I do not know- Erick
*eyes Erick suspiciously* yes you do- Joel
*smiles innocently* nope- Erick
Yes you dooo!- Joel
I don't *tries not to laugh*- Erick
Ha! Yes you do! Tell me!- Joel
Nunca!!!- Erick
*pushes Erick onto the bed and crawls on top of him* tell meee- Joel
Not happening- Erick
*looks him in the eyes*- Joel
*starts to say something but gets interrupted by Joel's lips*- Erick
*kisses gently*- Joel
*Joels lips were warm and soft against his own*- Erick
*stops the kissing* now where are they?- Joel
In the suitcase *looks up at him*- Erick
*gets off Erick and gets his glasses* thank you- Joel

Later That Day:
Erick? Erickkkkk! Earth to Erick- Christopher
Sorry, what did you say?- Erick
What happened to ya bruh?- Christopher
Nothing *smiles remembering this morning with Joel*- Erick
Mhm *smirks* By nothing you mean having a rough night?- Christopher
Noooo- Erick
Whatever you say *rolls eyes and nudges him teasingly in the side*- Christopher

Hey it's Joerickluver06 here! I just wanted to thank you for reading my book! I know it's not the best but I'm trying my best:) sorry I don't post as much as I'd like to

Xoxo Joerickluver06

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