Chapter 1

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Yasmin's POV;

The smell of cleaning products hit my nose as I wiped down the surface. It was currently 8pm and I was the last one in the cafe "Burtons Bakes".

My dad, Mark, and my step-mum, Sarah, own a cupcake shop in town which myself and my brother, Harvey, work for.

It was my turn to lock up today, which is the hardest job. I tidied away the cleaning products and grabbed my black parka, ready to leave.

I quickly switched the lights off and made my way to the door. I must say I am an intelligent woman however if you give me a lock and key I will not be able to close nor open it, which is why my dickhead of a brother Harvey gave me the job.

Pink and blue filled the sky which was setting over the shop. I fumbled around with the keys until a presence behind me made me drop them.

"Fuck." I groaned.

"Sorry did I scare you love." Brad replied in a sarcastic tone, smirking.

"Honestly brad, I'm not in the mood, please just piss off." I said, rolling my eyes.

"Gladly, miss Burton." Brad spoke, slowly backing away, chuckling to himself.

Bradley Will Simpson. That name makes my blood boil. Ever since we were young, I have disliked Brad with a passion. It started in the first years of secondary school, when I started in year 7, Brad was in year 8. Myself, Blake Richardson, Reece Bibby, George Smith and Milly Edwards became best friends.

It just so happened that our other friend, Viola, was dating Brads best friend, Tristan. For some reason, myself and Brad have never got on. I did not make a good impression when we first met, "accidentally" spilling my lunch over him. However, I am good friends with the other 3.. James, Connor and Tristan. Just not Brad, no way. Never ever will I be friends with Bradley Will Simpson.

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