Chapter 1

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Yep today is the day that my parents ship me off to god knows where, to go to some fucking Catholic Boarding school. All I know about this place is that it's in Sydney and it has the ugliest school uniforms in the country, you know what not only the country the fucking universe.

What's the bet that the kids at this school are all going to be stuck up snobs. That don't drink don't party and have no fun what's so ever, they probably just study all day and go to bed at like 7:00pm.

I mean I'm Catholic but I can't even remember the last time that I went to church. Isn't that a sin or something. You know what fuck it, I'm already going to hell so why start acting like an angel now.

As I drag the last bag of my stuff down to the car with dad trailing behind me, all I can think is what the fuck are they doing to me. I like how my life is here I have great friends and a hot boyfriend, what more do I need?

Well if you where talking to my parents they would say that it will 'straighten me out' 'get me into a good university.' but guess what I think that's all bullshit, I haven't done anything a normal teenager hasn't done before but they don't want me to make the same mistakes that they did.

They are so stuck up, they just want me to be perfect and you know what? I don't want to be fucking perfect. I don't even know what I want to do all I want at the moment is to have fun with my friends and live life how I want to live it. Well we know that's not going to happen where I'm going.

"Are you ready Alaska? We have to get on the road it's a 8 hour trip to get to your new school." My dad yells from the front door.

"Whatever! let's just go." I really don't feel like talking to any of them now I mean there the ones shipping me off, but they act like there doing me a favour. So I just hop in the car slamming the door as hard as I could behind me.




The trip was long and we did it all in one go with one stop to get something to eat and to get more fuel. We didn't really talk all the way dad was to busy listening to some sports channel and I had my music up as loud as it could. The only thing my dad really said to me was that if I didn't turn it down I was going to blow my ear drums. I just rolled my eyes and went back to listening to Coldplay and All time low.

When we finally got into town we head straight to the middle of the city which took about 3 hours, considering we got into town at 5 which is rush hour. We drove until we got to the suburb my school was in. It was all big posh house that I'm sure had a heaps of spoiled little brats lived in, fucking great.

We went to a hotel that was supposed to be around the corner from the school. Great tomorrow morning I get to start semester 2 at my new school lucky me. 'This is going to be great' he says 'a new beginning' he says 'I'm so glad your here' he says. Does he not get that I don't want to be here.

"Alaska I am just so happy, you are going to have a great time at your new school. You can make new friends and you can create a great life here. It's one of the best school in Sydney so behave." My dad says with a huge smile on his face. I really don't understand how he could be so clueless they can actually think that I want to be here. Well they are completely wrong, this is the last place I want to be.

My friends are going to move one, my boyfriend will probably dump me and I just don't want to go to some pissy catholic school. I know I've said it before but I didn't fucking do anything, so I go a little bit drunk and stumbled home and made a little noise and I might have brought my boyfriend over for a sleepover, but I seriously just did what every other teenage does.

"Dad I really don't care just stop talking, if u haven't noticed yet I don't want to be here. How don't you get that? I don't want to be here I want to be at home with my friends and my life, not starting a new one! Just leave me alone." With that I hope into bed turn off the lamp that if besides me and turn my earphones up as loud as they go.

I stayed up for another 3 hour not being able to sleep, I have to admit I am nervous I can't stop thing about if they are going to like me or what they are going to be like. I am going to be stuck with a roommate for the next 10 weeks straight, great. Hopefully she won't be a bitch with blond hair, that can't think for herself, that goes to church, prays everyday and worst of all makes me go to church with her.

Well here is to my first day of fucking boarding school. God give me luck to not royally fuck up my chances of fitting in.




Hey guys thx for reading hope you liked it. Sorry if there is any spelling mistakes. Comment and vote please keep reading.

Love Georgiaxx

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