16 February 3052

38 0 0

Aboard the Dire Wolf


After Michael’s departure, Margaidh threw herself into her training with even more determination than she had before.But no matter how much progress she made, or how often Kristen scolded her for pushing too hard, Margaidh always had the nagging feeling that it was not enough. A hundred and twenty percent, the doctor had told her, almost eighteen months ago. So a hundred and twenty percent it will have to be.

So Margaidh spent most of her time in the gymnasium, sometimes with Thalia’s supervision and sometimes alone.On this particular afternoon, she had expected Thalia to be there but she was not. When she saw the pair of suited Elementals enter the gym, she assumed one of them was Thalia. She must have forgotten her own duties, and come to let me know.

But as the two Elementals approached her, Margaidh realised they were painted in the wrong camouflage colours, and bore an insignia on the helmet that was horribly familiar.

Jade Falcons! What in the name of god are they doing here?

One of the Elementals stopped in front of Margaidh, while the other one held a little way back, closer to the door.Blocking my escape!What the hell is going on here?

“You are Margaidh Shelagh, of the Lewis line?” the Elemental demanded.

Margaidh frowned. It had been two years since anyone had used her full name, and for a moment she wasn’t quite certain whether to say yes or no. The Elemental repeated the question, the tone of his voice becoming more irritated.Margaidh simply replied “Aff.”

“You will accompany us.”

The Elemental did not even give her the opportunity to change her clothes. He simply turned and marched stiffly out the way he had entered, leaving Margaidh to hurry after him. As she left the gymnasium, the second Elemental fell into step behind her, sandwiching her between the two armoured warriors.

A hundred thoughts were racing through Margaidh's mind, and none of them were pleasant. She could only surmise that the Falcons had a grievance against her, and placed her under arrest, or else they had somehow reclaimed her, and were taking her back to their own worlds. That thought made her blood run cold. Domask, where are you? For god’s sake, do something!

The Elementals led her to a lift, where a third was waiting. With the three of them crowded together, there was barely room for Margaidh, and she wondered what kind of trouble she might be in, that required three suited Elementals to bring her in.

The lift stopped on one of the decks where only warriors were permitted, and Margaidh fingered nervously at the bondcord around her right wrist. Maybe they were bringing her to some kind of secret trial. Why don’t they tell me what I’m supposed to have done? Does Vincent have something to do with this? Has he finally got rid of me, without Domask knowing about it?

As the lift doors opened, Margaidh craned her neck to see past the Elementals but she saw nothing that might give any clue as to where on the Dire Wolf she was, or why. All she could see was a plain grey corridor much like any other. She followed the two Elementals out of the lift, while the third stayed close behind.They marched together until the front pair came to a plain, unmarked door, and opened it. Then the Elemental behind pushed her sharply in the back. Unbalanced, Margaidh stumbled into the room, and almost fell. The door swished shut behind her, and she was left in absolute darkness.

Margaidh cursed aloud and started to feel her way around the room. It was smaller than the cell in which the Falcons had kept her prisoner, and completely unfurnished. Still dressed in her close-fitting bodysuit she was wearing in the gymnasium, she shivered as the cold air chilled the sweaty garment. With a faint moan of despair, Margaidh sank to the floor and hugged her knees, fighting against a feeling of sheer terror.

Blue SkyeOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora