Chapter 4

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I don't know what's happening. All I see is police cars and ambulances. Everything is a blur. A woman is talking to me, but I can't hear what she is saying. Tears are streaming down my face. All I can hear is the beat of my heart thumping against my chest. There is a ringing in my ears and I feel like I have been shot. Pain strikes through my arm as I try to move it. But I find I can't move. I can't do anything. I am staring at a house. A small little house, with white windows and doors, made out of white wood. I remember it from somewhere but can't remember where. Four police cars are surrounding it, with two ambulances at there sides.
My mother is being lead away by two police officers. She fights back, so drunk she is unaware of her surroundings. She swings at the officers and they grab her and handcuff her with ease. They throw her into the car and drive off. Not giving me anytime to say goodbye.

-Later that night-

I am sitting in a room at the police station. My arm in a brace. A man sits in front of me.

"What happened?" He asks with a kind voice.

"I...I don't know... I want to see River."

"He will be here soon. It's okay. We just want to know what happened."

"I need to see him. Him or Maddy. I need to see them!"

"They will be here soon..."

"Your lying! They won't come. They don't even know I'm here!" I start to yell

"They are coming. I just need to know what happened first. Please."

"I...I...okay." I say to tired to fight back. "All I remember is, my mother. She came home dead drunk. I was sitting in my room and she came up to me and slapped me. She started yelling at me and punching me. When I tried to run, she started throwing stuff at me. First a lamp, then came bigger things, like a side table. I remember slipping and falling down the stairs and a pain shooting through my right arm. Then came the gun shots. I looked up the stairs and my mom was drinking and shooting down the stairs at me with the gun she had in her drawer. Her hand was shaking so much her aim was off and didn't hit me. I got up and ran out of the house, while dialling 911. Then everything became blurry and I can't remember anything else."

The police man was scribbling furiously in his notepad. When he was finished he tapped his pen against his chin and nodded.

"Thank you. This will really help our investigation. We have booked a hotel room for you to stay in for a few days while we sort this out. River and Maddy will be here shortly, you are welcome to stay here and wait for them."

"Thank you."

By now I am shaking. I can feel tears starting to spring into my eyes and my lip is starting to quiver. The uncontrollable sobbing starts and a shooting pain goes through my arm as I start to get up. I trip over the edge of the desk and fall on the floor.

"...I can go in alone I don't need you to come with me... it's not like I'm gonna kill her or anything... what do you mean?"

Maddy bursts through the door with two officers following behind.

"Oh my gosh! Sarah are you okay? What happened? Are you hurt? Oh shit Sarah. Oh shit!"

She rushes over and helps me onto my feet. She gives me a big Maddy sized hug and starts crying.

"...just let me in there I want to see her..." River says as he bursts through the door accompanied by Wil. He rushes over and gives me a hug. I smile a little bit and sniffle.

"Everything is going to be alright, okay? You can stay with maddy for a few days until you get back on your feet and I will come visit you everyday." River says looking very concerned.

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⏰ Last updated: May 10, 2018 ⏰

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