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You slowly crawled out of your bed not trying to injure yourself more. It hurt to move any part of your body after last night. He used a broken bottle this time. You didn't remember what you did that earned the cuts and bruises on your skin. There was still blood oozing from some of the cuts but most of it had cleared up. You walked quietly tip-toeing to your father's bedroom. He left an hour ago so he wouldn't find out about you taking some of the money from his hidden stash. Carefully you slip you hand under the bed pulling out the money. He normal takes most of it with him not bothering to check if any of it is missing. You count the money seeing you have a total of 20 dollars. With a sigh of relief, you carefully stand up walking over to your room. Opening your drawers, you but on clothes a little small for you since you only the age of 5 and the clothes were more of for a four-year-old and you took the only thing you had left of your mother which was a (f/c) blanket and you stuff elephant Ellie. But you didn't care. Not anymore. You were leaving and not turning back. Ever since your mother died at his hands, you dreamed of freedom and you were going to get it. After getting dressed, you open the fridge taking some sandwiches with you. Once you got out the door you looked around seeing no one on the sidewalk. It was somewhat safe as far as you were concerned. This was your chance. You walk along the of your Greek village. Everyone had to be working in the village square. You made your way there and crept into an alleyway. Finding a place to lay down and rest. It was cold today. You curled up with you blanket holding Ellie close to your heart and ragged paper you found around you. You pulled out the sandwich you had. You eat it hungrily like you had eaten anything in days. For years your father had eaten food in front of you and left you the scraps if he was feeling generous. But most of the time you where starved. Then a thought of going home came into your head given how cold it was. 

"N-NO! He-He's never l...loved me..." You whispered with chattering teeth. You finished the sandwich and snuggled with Ellie coughing into her. you later noticed a homeless man walking up to you and you gave him your other sandwich. He smiled kindly and offered his ragged old jacket that had a nice smell to it. He watched you with sad eyes filled of pain seeing you cough into your Ellie and trying not to close your eyes. What did that book call it again? Hypothermia, or something like that. It wasn't until now you realized how cold it truly was. You were trying so hard not too close your eyes knowing if you did, you would never wake again. But would that be such a terrible thing? You could get to see your mother again. What was her name again? Maribel. That was her name. Your mind begins to recall her soft (e/c) eyes that where your color eyes, and her red hair. Sadly, you had your father's (h/c) hair. But everything else like your (s/c), was your mother. And you were debating whether or not to see her again. 

Cold today. It was strange how the weather had cooled down. It was nice a warm for the past couple days. Jaylen, the saint of Zodia, and the leader of the Gold Saints sighs to herself walking down an alley she used to stay out of sight. Today all she wanted was to get home. The children that ran up to her where no issue it was the men. They all came up to her with the children and she often got in trouble with some of their wives which was annoying. Jaylen walked down the alley seeing a homeless man with no jacket walking over to her eyes pleading for help. Jaylen reached into her pocket when the man stopped her. 

"Don't worry about me Lady Jaylen. I am fed. There is someone else that needs you." He said. "A little one." He pointed over to the little (f/c) color blanket that was draped over the head of a small child. "S/he needs your help, looks like the little one caught Hypothermia." He said. Jaylen nods running over to you. 

"Are you alright!?" Jaylen asks gathering you in her warm arms. You jolt seeing her. She looked like your mother in some sort of way. Maybe it was her vermillion hair. "Shh... It's okay. I am Jaylen." She noticed your blue colored lips. "I can get you to a doctor and some place warm and cozy and I'll make you whatever you wish." That smile she gave you! It was like the ones you remembered from your mother. You slowly nodded at her smiling happily. 

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⏰ Last updated: May 09, 2018 ⏰

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Abused Child/Reader X (OC) Zodia no Jaylen X Lost Canvas Gold SaintsWhere stories live. Discover now