The Girl In The Eyepatch

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This girl.
There's a girl with this patch.
I know they say it's rude to stare at people but I just can't help but stare.
There's something so strange about her.
It's not even just her eyepatch at this point, but nun the less something feels off.
Her eyepatch.
It's not your typical pirate eye patch or medical eye patch either.
Is almost like something out of an anime.
It's kind of cool but it's also so damn scary. It gives me the creeps just looking at it. It stares into one's soul even though it's not an eye.
I wonder what's hidden behind there.
I wonder what the story to accompany it is, but at the same time I don't know if I want to know.
I fell asleep.
I don't usually dream but my mind wandered into places I didn't think it could go to. It showed me things I didn't wanna see. This all started when I first saw this girl. I know it's far fetched and I know I sound crazy, but there's dark things all around her and dark things is all she leaves behind.
Wander and ask questions and she'll answer them in your dreams. I asked questions I wish I never got answers for. I saw some gruesome and disgustingly dark things I wish I never got answers to. These things haunt me even when my eyes aren't shut. I see her everywhere. Even in me. I stare into my reflection but all I see is her. An eyepatch like hers started forming on my eye the more I stared into my eyes. I'm going insane. I'm going absolutely insane. Am I foreshadowing something? I don't want to relive what she lived that's for sure. She isn't exactly human anymore, at least not fully. What I saw that one night will never leave my thoughts.
All I know is what my eyes saw.
I saw a dark room full of black candles. Human skulls lying around the place along with a few animal remains I didn't really recognize sat around the room. It was dark and eerie in there. I didn't even know this was possible but I could feel the atmosphere in the dream world but oh man what I felt was terrifying. The air was thick and heavy in my lungs and when I exhaled it felt like fire coming out my lungs. I turned my eyes and saw a few people sitting with black robes. I only saw they're backside at the moment. I was terrified. One of them then moved out the way. My heart started racing. I saw them holding something round but sharp on one end and the other end was a wooden handle. I saw one of the other ones holding a clear glass container with a clear substance. I panicked as I saw them slowly walking towards me. My lungs felt like they collapse. I started hyperventilating and screaming for help. Two of the robed people tightly held grip of my arms while two others grabbed two ropes to tie my legs to the chair I sat on. I was crying, crying like I never have before. During this I noticed a mirror. It wasn't the mirror that necessarily caught my attention but what was in it. What started back at me. My fear grew and so did my confusion because the girl that was starting back at me was the girl with the eye patch, only she didn't have an eyepatch. I quickly changed my attention to the robed people. I saw the last two grow closer to me with the unknown tool and the clear liquid. I think at this point I realized what my fate was going to be. They held my face and arms but with all the strength left in me I tried to pull away. I tried and tried and screamed until my vocal chords felt like they have been ripped off my body but nothing worked. They put that tool on my eyes to pry them open and poured the liquid in my eye. I screamed and squealed like I never have before. I wanted to clench into a ball. I wanted to rub my eye but I was still tied up. They poured more unknown things as they chanted something in Latin . I did everything to distract me from the pain but it just grew from all the things shoved in my eye. After all the moving and the struggling I finally managed to break lose. I tumbled out the chair and into the ground. I managed to find the door and exit. I ran and ran and ran until I could no longer feel my feet. I then fell to my knees besides a big oak tree. I touched and scratched at my eye until I pulled it out and saw that it was black and dry like a raisin. I was disgusted from the image. I then passed out from the shock and woke up back in my bed. It was all a dream. I was horrified. How could this have possibly happened to someone? What was this? A ritual? What kind if evil was involved? Is this what caused this girls dark presence? All I know is once upon a time she was like everyone else and her fate just changed one day. I couldn't help but feel bad for this girl, but at the same time so terrified of her. I didn't want to be terrified but whatever those people did to her one day changed her entire being.

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⏰ Last updated: May 09, 2018 ⏰

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