A New Friend Chapter #2

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It was still Sages first day but it was lunch she hadent really connected with the kids in her class but she wasn't worrying about it. She walked outside and saw that there was nowhere but field and beyond that field the woods she looked into them wondering what might lie in them tell she broke out of the day dream and realised she looked weird standing just looking into space so she sat down at the very far end of the field which took a while to get too, but when she finally got there she was relived that no annoying LOUD kids where near her by she also felt kinda lonely... She opened her lunch box and looked to see that in the rush of things Ally forgot to pack her a lunch she hadent noticed at snack because she left her lunch box inside instead of taking it out and wasn't allowed back in tell recess was a over. She signed and then threw her lunch box a few feet away and just sat there on the field a moment later the red headed girl came up to her "hey is it ok if I sit here I understand if you would like to be alone right now but I just thought that maybe you'd like to have someone to sit with but I can tottaly-" the red heads voice fastened but was still very soft and quiet as she talked and she kept having to push up her glasses as she slowely turned her head down in embarresment But before she could finish Sage broke her off "yeah sure take a seat." The red hard sat down with her the backs agents a tree and as the red head opened her lunch Sages stomach growled and the red he'd looked over "you don't have a lunch?" She asked. "Nope Ally- my mom forgot to pack one." Sage said with her face red from embarrassment. "Here have my Apple!" The red head said well handing sage a bright red Apple "I'm Hazel by the way." She said happily "I'm Sage!" Sage replied then there was a long silence the only noises whee the faint noise of kids and the chewing of the Apple Sage was eating. Then Hazel spoke "I'm sorry I don't mean to be rude but your really allowed to diy your hair like that?" Hazel blurted out Sage laughed "haha! No I was born with this hair I know it sounds crazy but the doctors can't even explain it they said it was just some sort of hair mutation or something." To Sages suprise hazel didn't look grossed out or was holding back laughter she started at her hair in astonishment as if it was almost.... Cool. "Wow that's pretty cool! I wish I had that my parents would never even let me diy my hair although here in the country people don't really diy there hair!" Hazel said somewhat getting of track other then shyness that's a trait Sage picked up early on. "Well I'm from the city my family just moved into a barn maybe 30 minutes away from here if you bus. We don't have any animals though my mom says it would be a waste of money and she wouldn't tend for them." Sage said "THE CITY that's at least an hour or two away quite a far distance to move but to live in a barns worth it! I have a barn as well my dad let's us have animals but no dogs because he got bitten by one as a kid he's kinda . . . Spooked by them. But I know the barn you live in it didn't have anybody living in it for almost... Twenty years?" Hazel said "yeah ... How do you know that?... There not even houses around it it's so empty I'm not used to the quietness since I moved from the city but did you live there or something?..." Sage said spooked out. "What? ha no my dad and me have lived in the house we live in now since when my dad was a kid! We where planning to move for work but that ended up not working because my dad didn't want to leave out farm, and because the job thing didn't work out and because of the last family that- *cough cough* yeah..." Hazel spoke but stopped abruptly. "What. Other family?..." Sage asked in a cautious tone. "No forget I said anything. It's not worth mentioning." Hazel said trying to ignore what ever she wasn't telling sage. "HAZEL!" Sage said now irritated "FINE!" Hazel awnsered in a louder but still soft tone. "Ok... there was a family living in the house twenty years ago. And they where madly in love they built the house themselves. But one night a wolf came and attacked the family and killed the mother and stole the baby NOBODY knows what happens to the father they didn't find a body or anything and the baby want found either the wolf most likely are it though. And only the people in this town know about it I'm sort I didn't tell you I just didn't want to spook you..." Hazel said sage looked at her wide eyed. "This wasn't mentioned when the restate person showed us the house!" Sage said thinking it was a myth "exactly only the town knew about it and any realastate people in this towne probably didjnt tell you wanting to make sure you didn't scare off!" Hazel said well blushing as if she was out of line by saying this. "Well thanks for telling me I appreciate it..." Sage said well giving Hazel a weak smile. Suddenly they heard a rustle in the bushes they both stoped and stared at the endless forest behinds them. Looking around to whatever could have made that sound tell another rustle came from a patch of bushes about ten feet away from them sage stood up so cerious at what that sound could be she slowely walked up to the bush "SAGE no!!" Hazel whispered from where they use to be sitting too frightened to enter the ominous forest. But she slowely part the bushes that where taller then herself and saw "AGHHHHHH!!!!" SAGE SCREAMED SO LOUD THE KIDS NESR THE SCHOOL COULD PROBABLY HEAR HER IN THE BUSHES WAS A WOLF But as she was frozen in fear she notices it wasn't growling or
Baring its teeth they just. Looked at each other. "SAGE WHAT IS IT!?!" Hazel said running towards her and then she saw it "AGGHHHHH THE WOLF THAT KILLED THE WIFE!!!! withought hesitating the wolf stood from its crouching position and they saw that it was at least two feet taller then her and Hazel as if it was triggered by what Hazel said it bared its teeth started to growel and that was enough to get Hazel to grave Sages arm and RUN they ran as they could and Sage couldn't help herself but took one last look back and saw the wolf it's ears where back and tail between its legs it looked sad or embarrassed. Then she noticed IT WAS THE SAME WOLF FROM HER HOUSE!!!

But she kept running with Hazel when she saw it retreating into the woods

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But she kept running with Hazel when she saw it retreating into the woods. A little before they got too the school the bell rang and kids where crowding into the doors making it harder for Sage and Hazel to get in but they finally did and ran into the office Sage waited for Hazel to speak but when she didn't hear anything and saw the office lady raising one eye brow she looked at Hazel frozen red hot shyness. "MA'M THER WAS A WOLF IN THE FIELD BY THE WOODS ME AND HAZEL WHERE SITTING THERE AND A WOLF WAS BEHUNDE US! IT WAS HUGE PROBSBLY TWO FEET TALLER THEN US! IT WAS GREY BUT ALSO HAD SOME blue and purple on it!" The last at the office looked concerned but also slightly in disbelief and confused "I fought a purple wolf would exist but we have been warned of a wolf sighted bear here I'll tell the principal!" Sage was relieved but realised that she would probably call a hunter and she didn't want the wolf to be killed... For some reason. "WAIT MISS!" Sage said withought thinking then thought for a sec as the lady stopped at the doorway "I was... Kidding! Just kidding of course there wouldn't be a Purple and blue wolf!" Sage said trying not to sound suspicious she looked at sage who was behinds her and winked and Hazel understood why she was doing this. "Young ladies! How dare you waste my time! You'll be getting detention for this after school the both of you each 10 minutes because it's your first day but any other day it would have been 30 minutes! So they left and Sage apologized and explained her reasoning but hazel understood wanting to tell sage not to tell the office lady but said she had just been engulfed in her shyness. So after school they spent ten minutes in detention then swapped home phone numbers and parted ways.

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