Chapter One: Perfection

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His eyes are such a beautiful shade of blue. Every time I look into them I'm just lost - and believe me I spend a lot of time looking into them. Ever since we met our first year of high school I had felt this way. Butterflies whenever he's near. His sandy and unkempt hair, his low and husky - sexy voice. Every time he's close the musky scent of his cologne drifts past, making me weak at the knees. Jesse Pinkman is perfection.. well to me at least.

At school Jesse was always the clown; he was the guy who never got any work done and ensured the same was true for the entire class by interrupting lessons with his jokes and pranks. No one minded of course. In fact, his cheeky personality and it's accompanying playful smile is part of what makes him so attractive. Girls wanted him and guys wanted to be him although he was never that popular dick of a guy he would have been a perfect fit for. He never had a girlfriend during school, even though he could have easily dated any girl he wanted and he was never vain even though he knew how devilishly good looking he was. Of course, we weren't in school any more and hadn't been for three years now, and things had started to change...

Jesse gained himself a reputation as a, well I guess you could say, "bad boy". Except honestly, deep down, that isn't what he's about. Everyone thinks they know Jesse Pinkman but there's only three people in the world who truly know him: Badger, Pete and me - Indy.

 Badger and Jesse have known each other basically since birth, their parents were old friends from college who just so happened to end up livng on the same street in Albuquerque. During middle school they became friends with Pete, who happens to be my cousin, although I didn't meet Badger or Jesse until the first day of high school.  By that time, Jesse had moved a few streets away to live with his aunt, who sadly passed away after giving into her cancer just 2 years ago. Starting high school, I knew no one bar Pete, so I stayed close to him and he, of course, stayed close to Jesse and Badger. Ta-dah - our friendship was born.

"Yo Indy!" Jesse half shouted. 

I blinked and shook my head, realizing that once again I'd begun day dreaming whilst looking into those dreamy eyes.

"Oh.. shit... what?" I asked, trying not to sound too confused although I'd completely forgotten what was going on in the real world after being engrossed in my fantasy land. I quickly remembered that we were in Jesse's house (previously his late aunt's house) having our usual Friday night get together where we basically chill, play video games, watch movies and eat. We don't have to do anything special to have a good time when we're all together, it just comes naturally.

"Pizza, you want some? Badger's got the munchies baaad. As usual..." Jesse mumbled under his breath, just loud enough to make it clear he intended Badger to hear what he'd said.

"Hey man lay off, it's totally normal to get a little hungry when you're stoned!" Badger exclaimed.

Okay so we all smoke weed. I know it's a drug and it's illegal and all that shit but honestly it's not a big deal. Weed is all it is.. well for me anyway. Jesse, Badger and Pete just started smoking crystal a few months ago. Me? I'll never touch that shit, I've seen the train wreck junkies who use meth and they ain't pretty. I've been trying desperately to get the guys to see that but they don't see it as a problem yet. I've never stopped fighting to get them clean of that poison since I found out about it though, and I never will. For now, they just agree never to smoke it while I'm around because they know I fucking hate it. That will have to do until I can get them clean... at least I don't have to see them messed up I guess.

"Yeah Badge, a little hungry", I pitched in, "but most people just eat like a whole bag of chips or a couple cheesburgers or something, not five fucking 16 inch pizzas".

Jesse began laughing, exposing his flawlessly white teeth in that playful smile I loved. Wait - liked not loved. 

His laugh, low and husky just like his voice and of course, just as sexy. It always made me start up giggling too.

"Yo it's cool Badge, you know we love you man" Pete offered.

"Whatever, fuck you guys", Badger joked. "So... you want pizza or not?"

Myself and Pete gave Badger $20 each and put our order in for a 12" pizza. I had my usual pepporoni with jalepenos, green chilli and sweetcorn - I like my spice - and Pete had his usual plain margherita. We always make fun of the fact that I eat more of a "manly" pizza than he does. 

"Yeah go ahead and just get me what Indy's having, that shit sounds niiice." Jesse spoke, handing Badger two $10 bills.

Just as Badger opened the front door to leave, a text tone sounded - it was Jesse's cell.

"Yo Badge!" he yelled as Badger came walking back into the living room. "I'm gonna have to take a rain check on that pizza but keep the twenty and buy you bitches some Ben&Jerry's and whatever. Jane just texted so I'm gonna head over there."

Jesse made his way towards the front door, stopped and turned to face us, rubbing the back of his neck as he did when he felt awkward. He' so cute when he does that.

"I'll be back like, late, so wait up, don't wait up whatever. Just don't be burning my house down yo".

And then he was gone.

Jane Margolis.

I hated that bitch. And no, it isn't because I'm jealous that she's Jesse's girlfriend, it's because she is fucking poison.

Hey guys! So this is my first ever fanfic and I'm really hoping you guys enjoy it! I'm going to update really regularly and the chapters are going to be relatively long just because why not haha! Let me know what you guys think :) x

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