Chapter Four: Intervention

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Jesse let his hand rest in my lap for the whole car journey home but not one word was spoken from any of us. We were all in shock.

We finally reached the house and I climbed out of the car along with Jesse, waiting for Pete and Badger to follow - only they didn't.

"Jesse yo, sorry man we're gonna need the night to cool off. We'll sort this in the morning, okay?" Pete spoke sounding sympathetic yet firm.

"Yeah whatever it's cool I totally get it. Will you give Indy a ride home?" Jesse sounded fed up. I'm glad. I hope this means he's realizing the way he's living his life is only setting him up for disappointment.

"No I'll stay.. I mean if that's okay?" I couldn't leave him alone and honestly although I know this isn't the time I can't stop thinking about the spark I've been feeling all night. 

Jesse looked up at me flashing me a thankful smile - I felt giddy with lust. "Of course", he spoke softly.

"Okay yo see you tomorrow... we love you man" Badger offered before driving off down the road.

We walked in silence to Jesse's front door. As he fumbled with the key in the lock I looked up at the sky and realized what a beautiful night it was. The sky was clear and full of sparkling stars and the moon was full. Finally the door to Jesse's house swung open. As we entered Jesse walked over to the duvets still covering the floor and sat down, his back against the sofa. He beckoned for me to join him and so I did.

"Indy, honestly I'm so sor-" Jesse began before I interrupted.

"What else?" I pitched in. He shot me a confused looked.

"What else haven't you told me? I thought we were close. I thought I was one of the few people in the whole world who knew you - like really knew you but just lately you're becoming a stranger. I'm finding that I don't really know you at all anymore. It fucking HURTS JESSE!" I exclaimed.

"You do know me" Jesse insisted as he moved his hand up towards my face in an attempt to place it on my cheek. I slapped it away, "YOU DO KNOW ME INDY"! Jesse shouted sounding hurt.

"You know what?" I spoke as I began to get up. "If you're going to keep lying to me I'm out of here, you can go on with your shitty life without me."

"Wait!" Jesse grabbed my hand and pulled me back down to sit beside him. "There's something you need to know."

I swallowed loudly in fearful anticipation as Jesse took my hands and began to speak. He kept his gaze fixed on the ground.

"My...job", he said as he finally bought his stare up to my eyes. "I sell... well... I sell and... cook..." he exhaled heavily. "Crystal meth".

The whole world started to spin. I felt dizzy. It was hard to breath - like I'd just been punched in the stomach. Where does this end? Not only does he use two of the most addictive drugs in the world, he cooks and sells one of them. 

"Indy - talk to me" Jesse spoke. "I'll erm, give you a minute..." he said as he got to his feet and walked upstairs. 

I shook my head in an attempt to rouse myself from the trance like state I'd slipped into. I really do feel like I don't know him anymore. There's only one thing I'm still certain of - Jesse Pinkman is not a bad person. Whatever his reasons are for doing the "job" he's doing now are his to know. As long as no one is getting hurt. I know Jesse won't allow any harm to come to anyone - except himself that is. He never has thought that he's worth much and that is what really worries me. Is he keeping himself safe or is he not bothered about what happens to him? 

It suddenly dawns on me that I can hear Jesse's voice coming from upstairs. Who is he talking to? My curiosity got the better of me and I decided to pick up the home telephone in the living room in an attempt to listen in on his conversation. 

"What the fuck Jane. Seriously you had to tell her like that?" I heard Jesse say angrily.

I should have known it would have been Jane on the other end of the line.

"Really Jesse? Badger and Perv were in the room too, I told them all, not just that touchy cow." Jane spat.

So she even spews her poison to Jesse behind my back. She really is a bitch.

"Don't call her that. You know I wanted to tell her in my own time. She's done a lot for me and I owed her the decency of a real explanation." 

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