Chapter 11: Confessions

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Have ALL the fluff!

"EEK!" The strong winds tore the umbrella from your grasp, sending it flying. You tried to run after it, but it got trapped high above your reach. A troubling rumble of thunder echoed loudly across the landscape. 'Okay. Bum's place is only a few blocks from here.'  You picked up your pace, shielding the top of your head with your small clutch purse. 'Maybe I can make it before the rain picks up.'  You should be so lucky...

As if Murphy's Law were a very present and very malevolent force, a torrential downpour started up the instant that thought passed through your mind, and you began to get pelted with thick cold drops of water. "Dammit!"

Bum could hear the rain coming down hard outside his house and a sharp flash of lightning caused him to worry. 'I hope F/N is okay...' Just then he heard a knock at his front door. He opened it to find you utterly soaked from head to toe. From the living room couch, Bum's uncle spoke up.

"Pwahah! You look like a drowned rat!"

"Uncle!" Bum was appalled at the hurtful statement. You frowned. There Bum stood, dressed to impress, looking so handsome, and here you were looking like... well... a drowned rat.

"I promise I looked really nice when I left..."

"Where's your umbrella?"

"In a tree about a mile from here..."

"Oh, F/N..." A sympathetic expression bloomed on his face. He gently pulled you inside and ran to get you a towel.

"Here. You can use our shower if you want. I wouldn't want you to catch a cold."

"Thanks." You wiped the water from your face. 'He's so attentive.'

Upon your emergence from the bathroom, Bum couldn't help but blush slightly at the sight of you in one of his loosely fitted t-shirts. Something about sharing clothes with you felt intimate... not to mention that outfit would be coated in your sweet scent by the end of the night. You approached him, dabbing off your damp hair.

"Sorry about this, Bum."

"Oh! It's not your fault at all!"

"We can always go someplace less formal if you want." You eyed his dashing attire wistfully. "It's such a shame though... you look so nice."

"Thank you... You look even nicer." He stated honestly. The way your skin glistened from the shower water, how his shirt draped so nicely over your lovely figure, the way your cheeks were warm and rosy from the steam; Bum found all of these things breathtakingly beautiful.

"Don't lie, you goober." You nudged him aside with a playful smile before sticking your tongue out. His eyes widened in shock.

"Ah- I wasn't!" You had to chuckle at his distraught expression.

"Why don't you two just join us for dinner? You can go out another time." Bum's grandmother and uncle were already setting the table to eat.

"Are you sure there will be enough?"

"I made a bit extra."

"Thank you very much." You smiled and walked over. Without warning, Bum rushed past and sat next to his uncle, leaving you the spot between himself and his grandmother.

"Are you that hungry, Bum?" You giggled.

"Heh... yeah..." Like hell he was going to let you within three feet of that man. He may not be strong enough to fight him off on your behalf, but if something horrible occurred, at the very least he could act as a meat shield and hope it was enough to grant your escape.

Yoon Bum x Reader: In-Justiceحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن