Glader's Easter

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Newt began hiding the colorful eggs around the Glade.

   Every year the Box sent up roughly five hundred plastic eggs filled with candy. He took it upon himself to hide the eggs in the middle of the night, the day before Easter.

So Newt went to work, hiding the eggs as best as he could before just throwing them in the grass when he got too tired to be creative.

Finally, when he was done, Newt crawled into bed, exhausted.

   He couldn't wait till morning when all the Gladers—even the Runners—were given a day off to celebrate their tradition. It was the small bits of happiness that brought Newt joy.

   And for that, he was thankful.


The next day, Newt handed out an assortment of bags. Of course, they weren't very colorful but that didn't matter. All that mattered in the end were the eggs. Specifically, what was inside.

   "Alright," Newt started, standing in front of all the Gladers. "Most of you know how this works but to the Greenies Tommy, Chuck, Teresa . . ." He rambled off a few more names. "Here's how you play: I've hidden a shuck ton of colored eggs 'round the Glade. You need to find as many as you can and stuff 'em in your bag. Once all the eggs have been found, we'll count to see who won. Any questions?"

   Chuck raised his hand.

   Newt pointed at him. "Yeah Chucky? Ask away."

   "Why isn't Alby in charge?" The young Glader asked. "Ya know, since he's the leader and all."

   "That's a very good question. Maybe Alby would like to explain," he responded, shooting a fake glare in their leader's direction.

   Alby huffed. "Because it's a stupid game, that's why."

   "Then why are you playing?" Chuck pointed out.

    "Newt makes me."

   Newt smiled, knowing very well he did nothing of the sort. He decided not to point that out so Alby could keep his reputation.

   "A'right, if that's it for the questions then let's start." He stepped to the side, giving the Gladers room to run. "On your mark, get set, go!"

   They immediately dashed off, all in different directions. A few seconds later, whoops of success came out and Newt knew some of the jackpots had been found.

   He walked around, noting places that had already been found and others that hadn't been touched. Newt even saw Winston stealing eggs from Alby's bag but the blonde just snickered, moving on.

   Zart, being a close friend of Winston's, knew about his thieving tendencies and was burying his eggs in the ground. Newt walked up to him and smacked him playfully on the head.

   "Quit burying and start looking!" He teased. "Plus, if you stay here too long people'll get suspicious."

   Zart grinned and stood up. "Fine, fine. Just don't tell anyone."

   "Wouldn't dream of it," Newt replied as Zart ran off to keep looking.

   Newt walked past Gally and Frypan, the two shoving eggs into Fry's apron.

   Newt chuckled. They've been teaming up since the beginning, working together to gather as many eggs as quickly as possible. They were easily the best pair he knew.

   Though they weren't the best egg finder in the group.

   As if on cue, Minho ran by, his bag stuffed to the brim.

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