Sungjong Oneshot [LovelyBear21]

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"Sungjong-ah! What are you doing?" Chaemin's voice echoed in the hallway as she slowly approached her stupid crazy best guy-friend, Lee Sungjong.

"Whaaat? It's fun, ok?" Sungjong said as he continued to draw on his locker. Students around them were looking at Sungjong because of his weirdness.

"Yeoreobun, I'm really, reaaaally sorry for the uncomfortable situation because this guy is clearly stupid," she took last glance on smiling Sungjong, who is now scribbling their names on his locker, "and weird."

But the thing is, students know that both Chaemin and Sungjong are friends since childhood, and they know that one of them had 'more than a friend' feelings for each other.

"Chaemin-ah, Sungjong is so cute, isn't he?" One of their closest friend asked.

"Cute, ew, no. He's weird." Chaemin said flinched at what her friend just said.

"Chaemin-ah, don't be like that~" Sungjong turned around and plastered a cute smile on his face. "Look what I've made." He smiled widely when Chaemin walks closer to his locker.

"Sungjong + Chaemin, huh? Aww, that's cute Sungjongie~" Chaemin said ruffling the boy's hair along with students giggles from the hallway.

"Yah! You're going to tear my head apart, don't you?" Sungjong said annoyed. Well, she can't help it.

She loves doing it.


The last class has ended, and Sungjong is waiting outside Chaemin's class. Chaemin greeted her teacher and casually walks outside not realizing that there's Sungjong.

"Aye, abandoning me, huh?" Sungjong said sadly. Chaemin quickly turned around in shock and giggles.

"Well sorry, mister. Didn't see you there. Now let's go. Kaja kaja. I'm tired." Chaemin said and quickly pulls Sungjong's hand and went out from the school.


"Aigoo, you kids arrived early today." Umma said while packing her things.

"Umma where are you going?" Chaemin said as she plops down on the sofa along with Sungjong.

"Work stuffs." Umma said as she lifts her bag ready to go.

"Bye kids. Maybe I won't be back at night." Mom said and kiss Chaemin's head. She then went to Sungjong and pat his head.

"Be good!" Her mom said waving back at them before closing the front door.

There's silence after the door sound that Chaemin's mom made. Both of them starting to feel awkward each other, but they don't know why. Then Sungjong broke the silence.

"Wanna go get ice cream?" He asked Chaemin. Chaemin grinned and they quickly took their bag, put their shoes on, and sprints out of the house.


"Ahjussi, one strawberry ice cream and one chocolate ice cream, please." Sungjong ordered while Chaemin is sitting on the bench playing with her phone.

"Sungjong-ah! Long time no see. Where have you been?" The ahjussi asked and started to scoop their ice cream.

"I was sick, ahjussi. So there's no way I can eat your ice cream when I'm sick. But guess what? I'm fine now!!" Sungjong jumped a little and smiled. The ahjussi chuckled and looks at Chaemin.

"I'm going to give you guys extra vanilla scoop because it seems like you guys are dating." The ahjussi smirked and put sprinkles on top of their ice creams after scooping their vanilla ice cream.

"No, we're not!" Sungjong said while gesturing his hands as a no. The ahjussi smiled and give them their ice cream.

"Well, thanks anyway, ahjussi." Sungjong smiled and walked back to Chaemin.

"What took you so long?" Chaemin pouted playfully and took her strawberry ice cream.

"Whoop! Extra vanilla scoop!" She said happily.

"Chaemin-ah, is it possible that I... I.. I.." Sungjong said suttering.

"That you what, Sungjong?" Chaemin turned her head towards Sungjong who is now as red as a tomato. He even almost match Chaemin's ice cream color.

"That I like you?" Sungjong finally said it out loud while shutting his eyes. Chaemin is shocked aswell, but quicly shakes off the feelings and smiled instead.

"Yes, it is." She said facing him.

"Even if, if I love you?" He said.

"Are you confessing to me right now Sungjong?" Chaemin asked chuckling. Sungjong shrugged and opened his mouth to say something but Chaemin cuts him off.

"I like you too, Jongie." She said resting her head on his shoulder. Sungjong smiled happily.

"So I guess I don't have to ask you to be my girlfriend then." He said resting his head on hers.

"Oh I love to." She said squeezing Sungjong's free hand with hers.

[SORRY ITS NOT THAT ROMANTIC BUT WELL ENJOY❤️ And I'm sorry for not updating before. Please forgive me :( ]

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 30, 2014 ⏰

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