Chapter 26

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when we got to the party we looked like a million bucks. King looked so handsome! And Cyn looked so Good. I want to rip her clothes off right now ! Damn I'm a lucky woman cause everyone is looking at her, and she only has eyes for me.We took a lot of pictures and we were working that camera ! After the pictures and mingling, I went to get me a drink at the bar.

" let me get a Sex on the beach, thank you". then someone whispered in my ear " remember when we had sex on the beach"

that made me shiver because I remember but I know that voice, and it's not cyn.....I turned around and my heart stopped.

Samantha: Hi Erica

oh shit... " umm Hi Samantha "

S: did you miss me ?

I can't believe she's here after all this time she still looks good. smooth carmel skin, shoulder length hair, green eyes, she was Slim with big ass tits... let me pull myself together. " why are you here ? and how did you find me ? "

she starts laughing.

S: well I'm here for you..

" let's go over here to talk "

we walked to a more secluded area....

" listen Samantha iam happily engaged to Cynthia Santana Mena and I will appreciate it if you leave now with no drama. it was nice to see you again but we are over enjoy your life goodbye. "

before I walked away she grabbed me and looked me in the eye " I don't care if your with her, you were mine first. I know you still have love for me erica "

in that moment I felt those old feelings again. then in the next second she kissed me.

K: Mom ?

I backed up quickly " King !? "

K: umm.... who's this

I looked at Samantha and then back at king. " she's a old friend and she was just leaving "

K: but I saw what you guys just did.

" no king .."

K: mama don't lie to me

I'm shocked because he did see what just happened and I can't lie to him. I will never lie to him. I look at his face and I can see the tears about to fall.

" come here baby " I kneel down and open my arms. He comes to my arms , I pick him up and he lays his head on my shoulder. " baby how about you go play with Alex I see his over there waiting for you. "

K: I don't wanna leave you here with her.

king is just like me he can be very territorial. " ok baby let's go find mommy "

S: Erica what about me ?

" Samantha please leave. "

I left her there and went to find my future wife.


when we got to the party we took pictures and Erica looks bad as fuck in her leather dress. Watch when i get her home that ass is mine. don't judge me people I'm obsessed with my baby's body. Lawwwddd !

" Congrats Bitch ! "

I turn around and see Stella and My friend Aria.

" thank you ! "

S: so Cynthia Santana is getting married... wow I can't believe this

" yes iam and believe it. "

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