home sweet home

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I gulped in air as I ran as fast as my little legs would carry me. I never really realized how far his house was from mind.

I can't believe he kicked me out.

This also meant that Jasminka would be around for a while. That is, until she gets bored or pregnant. She always does this, she finds some way to snake her way back into my life. Always in a negative way, it's like she was punishing me for being born. I wish I could sugar coat it and make it seem better, but the truth is as a baby she looked at me and handed me straight to my dad. She never wanted me.

*flash back*

It was a cold, snowy night and Jasminka had felt her water break.

Damn baby! She cursed. Carrying the little brat for 9 months really took a toll on Jasminka's appearance. She gritted her teeth as another contraction hit her. Jerome was shaking in fear and excitement! His baby girl was finally coming! Contrary to Jasminka, a little girl is just what they needed. She would be his princess.

My own angel. Jerome sighed dreamily. Jasminka was disgusted by his affection towards the little creature that took over her body. Ever since she found out she was pregnant she hated the baby. It took over everything she did in life and changed the way she was supposed to live. Most importantly, she took over Jerome. They were high school sweet hearts and were dating for three years after. Jerome had proposed, but the moment that positive happened Jas said no. she didn't want to get married because she was having a baby, she didn't want to get married period. She didn't like the commitment, and Jerome used to have the same thought.

After the painful eight hour labor, her cries filled the room. Jas just wished someone would shut her up! Jerome came in, with tears brimming his brown eyes. She was the most beautiful thing Jerome had ever seen.

"What do you want to name her?" he question. The doctor handed her the baby, and the moment she saw her mocha kissed skin and felt the disgust build.

"Ruby," she answered, immediately handing her to him. Jerome nodded his head wildly in approval. What Jerome thought the reasoning was is that she was the most precious thing in the world. But there was something her didn't know about Jas.

She hated rubies.

*end of flash back*

She hated me from the moment she found out she was pregnant. I was flung back when I ran into someone. I immediately began apologizing as I got up off the ground. I finally looked up to see a woman with sun kissed skin, smirking at me.

"No problem, Ruby." How did she know my name? I wearily looked around, I had no idea where I was; all I knew was Jason's house wasn't much farther.
"How do you know my name?" the brunette just chuckled. Then, it clicked. The want her long hair swayed in the moonlight created an eerie feeling. I backed up until I hit a wall. She just grinned wider, looking completely mad.

"I know so much more about you than you do me." She purred. I saw the men come around the corner and stop, standing shoulder to shoulder with her. I had no escape and they knew it.

"What do you want, Deepika?" I questioned. My hands were now trembling and my heart was beating out my chest.

She never answered me, but her goons lunged and grabbed my wrists. This prevented me from punching and the other one had my legs. I thrashed around wildly, my eyes wide with fear. I tried screaming, but they gaged me with a cloth. I noticed the cloth covered my nose to. I inhaled the sickly sweet scent and regretted it.

As they threw my body in a white van, inky blackness clouded my vision.

No! Was the last coherent though I had before falling into a uncomfortable position on the hard floor.

I had just been kidnapped by Jason's boss.

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