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Last time on Good Girls Gone BAD

I know who he is in real life. And where he is now.

Ok, who is he

He is my dad


As I looked at the phone shocked about what I just heard. I love Tiffany with all my heart so I know I can't kill him unless he did something terribly wrong.

"So, do you want me to complete the mission cause I wont." I asked her

" Anthony , there is something I have to tell you about my father." I said, " He has a very bad past, starting with me. When I was 10 I used to spend the night at his house over the weekend. Well one day,, I was getting out the shower when my father said we had company. Usually it be my uncle Mike but this time it was a different person. So knowing me I said hello,how was your day. He just looked at me weirdly and my dad said go show him to your room."

After that she started crying, I know what happened after that. That is sad, nobody deserve that. I started calming her down and told her I will see her in 15 minutes and we hung up the phone. This made me very angry. Why would you do that to a 10 year old girl. When I see him he is about to get it.

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