Part 8: Ugly Truths

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Underground Noobies Presents...Diary Of The White Notes (Season: 2)

Intro Music: Digital Daggers - No Easy Way (Out)

EPISODE 8: Ugly Truths

In a whole new location, Gary was continuing his meeting with three hooded figures and Dairvon.

Gary: So...that's why.

Dairvon: Something big is coming. Though, they don't know what.

Gary: You were letting us know, ahead of time.

That's right. If you don't do something, there may not be any time for this world.

Gary: So you guys aren't from here?

Yeah. Paul had his suspicions on me but couldn't figure it out.

Gary: Paul was sharp like that. So where do we go from here?

Dairvon: I need you to keep an eye on my hermanito for me.

Gary: You know we're not on talking terms, right?

Dairvon: You don't have to talk to him. Just watch over him.

Gary: Alright. But I'm not doing this alone.

You won't. We'll be helping you.

Gary: Well, then my job won't be so hard.

As Gary and Dairvon were wrapping up the meeting, they were unaware that someone was watching them. However, it was too dark to see exactly who was spying on them. The next morning, Alexandria was waking, from her sleep. She looked around and saw that the scenery was different. It wasn't her house. She removed the blankets from her body and began putting on her shoes.

You taking off, without saying goodbye?

As Alexandria grabbed her bag and was about to walk out the door, someone had stopped her. She turned around and it was Virtus. He was dressed in his clothes. He was wearing a plain, white shirt and no sweatpants. In his left hand, was a can of alcohol.

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