The bidding and my unwillingness, and it led to me being sent to school.

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I stood at the entrance of the school, unsure of what to do. This was my first time hesitating in a century, it felt odd, not knowing what to do, l not being control of myself. I didn't want to do this, I felt it in my veins, in my bones, and in my heart. I knew this was wrong, but I had to go through with it. It was the only thing that would keep me alive. Keep me safe.

I knocked three times, ever so lightly on the thick wooden door as my breath sped up, in anxiety. The school was as beautiful as it was dark and haunting, it reminded me actually a bit of home. It had three towers, each of which were thick and manly, they were grey and had cone like tops. There was a green sort of plant growing up on the walls of the towers making it look a little more delicate.

"Ahem, miss?" Someone cleared their throat, I jumped.

There was a man of about average height, with a muscular build, broad shoulders, and an angular face. He had brown hair, and muddy brown eyes. He was also wearing a suit. I blinked.

"Yes? Oh! I forgot, um...I'm here to, well, I'm new. I'm a student. I'm here to see....," I looked down at my card ", Mrs. Cronelly? The director." I said quickly, trying to slow down my speeding heart.

"Ah, the new girl. Right this way."

He walked faster than I expected a butler to walk, but thanks to my abilities I easily followed. We walked quickly into the hall, and into the cafeteria. The director was not where I expected her to be. She was eating lunch, in the cafeteria, with all the boys.

She had brown silky hair, and a smile that came easily to her face, she had brown sparkling eyes, and pink cheeks. She reminded me a little of my grandmother, a younger version though. When she saw me she gasped. And squealed. Actually squealed.

What the hell?

"Your here. Thank god, Iv'e been waiting all day! Come one, lets go into my office." She said in a girlish voice

She was way younger than I expected. I thought director's were supposed to be old ladies, that had terrible tempers, and that disciplined easily.

We walked past all the boys and into a hallway, she was about to close the door, when I sneaked a look inside, at the boys. They were all gaping, with their eyes wide with shock. Wait, why were there only boys?

When we made it to her office, I sat down with a heavy sigh. She looked at me.

"I know that this is a bit of a shock for you, I mean when I first came here, I was like woah--" Did she just say woah? What the hell?

"Um, why are there only guys here?" I asked in a shocked voice

She laughed. No wait giggled. Were directors allowed to giggle?

"Your father didn't tell you? Your the first girl to be ever selected into our academy, EVER. But you'll be treated like everyone else, and have all the same classes as the boys. If someone make any innapropriate comments, then you'll come to me. No one is entitled to harrass you, just because your a girl." She said darkly

Woah, maybe she did have some leadership characteristics in her.

"Okay, so now, there will be no ditching, no smoking, no parties, no running in the halls, no alcohol, and absolutely no violence. It will not be tolerated, and you will recieve punishment for your actions. Here's your schedule, and your room key. Your rooms at the third tower. Have fun." She said. and gestured for me to leave her office.

I walked out the door, and down the dimly lit hall, there was an elevator at the end of the hall. A couple doors opened and shocked whispers ran out;

The Bidding, My Unwillingness, and it led me being sent to school.Where stories live. Discover now