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Hey Guys!

So you know the drill.

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The first thing I noticed was the warmth. The overbearing, uncomfortable, hard to breathe warmth, it was giving me a huge headache. The second thing I noticed was that there was something draped across my hip, it was warm and would be quite heavy if not for the hint of vampire blood in me. And lastly, I heard the snoring. Well, actually I think the snoring was first because it was right next to my ear, and it was extremely irritating.

I slowly opened my eyes, and squinted against the light.

Then I turned toward the snoring and 'accidently' elbowed whoever was next to me in the face. Boy, did that wake them up.

"What the feck?" A posh English accent asked

He took the words right out of my mouth. I slowly faced the guy that snored in my ear and shrugged, and then as I looked at him closer I gasped. He was sooo hot. As if breaking out of my reverie I noticed that my mouth was open, so I quickly snapped it shut.

"Oh hello, luv." Smirked who-ever-he-was

He had long black hair reaching almost to his shoulders, styled in a kind of skater-ish look. It looked amazing. He had sparkling blue-violet eyes, that seemed to melt my very bones, and full handsome slightly pink lips. Very kissable, I thought to myself, Shit! I'm doing it again. I regained my composure.

"Who the hell are you? And what were you doing in my bed?!" I asked yelling and whispering at the same time, trying not to wake the guys. Two of them slept on the floor. Aww.

Mr. Hot-Posh-British-accent smiled seductively.

"Why, honey? You don't remember me? I'm shocked. You wake up with the man of your dreams in bed with you, and you don't even remember his name?," He put his hand over his heart, mocking me ", I'm hurt."

Ugh! I got off the bed, and walked over to the two guys that were sleeping on the floor. I nudged Jake softly with my foot, and he rolled over, waking. Then I went over to Mr. I-Like-Ass and stepped on his head with my foot. He shot off the floor, and glared at me.

I glared back, annoyed.

"Who the hell is that?" I yelled, wincing as I hurt my head, and pointed at the guy that annoyed me.

Jake looked up at me sleepily, and then when he saw who was behind me, his eyes widened, and he shot off the floor.

"Lucifer!" Jake punched his arm. "Where've you been man?"

I glared at both of them.

"Well, currently I was in bed with Ms. Hot over there." He said pointing back at me.

Jakes eyes widened even more , and Mr. I-Like-Ass glared at Lucifer. At least we had one thing in common.

"Why the hell were you in my bed, Mr. Almighty?" I asked

He smiled, faking innocence.

"I told you, sugar." He came closer towards me, and leaned in. "I had a fun time last night."

I snapped, lunged, and was grabbed from behind. I elbowed them in the stomach, then kicked out knocking their feet from under them. I again lunged out to Lucifer, two seconds before I hit the wall I stopped, he was gone. I turned around and ran, exercising my leg muscles, Lucifer turned at the last moment and grabbed my arm and pulled me towards him. Then I yelled, and flipped him over me. I sat down, hard on his chest, and put his arms above his head.

The boys were looking at me in shock.

Lucifer sniffed, and caught my scent. His eyes widened

"What are you?" I asked, narrowing my eyes on his golden ones.

Then Jake stepped forward and gave me his hand, I took it and stood up.

"I don't think we've had a chance to introduce ourselves." Jake said cautiously.


I know, I know really short. But I found out that I have to go somewhere.



Please. <3 <3


The Bidding, My Unwillingness, and it led me being sent to school.Where stories live. Discover now