Aradia Megido - Part One

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The chapter was written by: Me! (It won't let me tag myself)

Moderate Language (Gamzee says the F word once)

I sit at my husktop scrolling through some random things I have bookmarked so I can research. I have a few articles about flowers, one about a religion, one about pizza and one about bananas. I click on the one about bananas and begin to read it.

A banana is an edible fruit - botanically a berry - produced by several kinds of large herbaceous... I stop reading. This is by far the most boring thing I have read so far. A yellow elongated fruit berry is not interesting at all.

I move onto the next article. The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints. They call themselves 'Mormons'. This is by far, the most interesting religion I have heard about so far. They have to go every 'Sunday', they have to give 10% of everything to God, they have super strict rules; everything about this religion is intriguing me.

I go to the files on my husktop and open a file that Terezi drew up for me. It is really hard to read. With all the colors everywhere and the words that are all bunched together, I can barely make out the map of the area.

As soon as I finally locate the building, I make a new map. No offense to Terezi, but she makes really shitty maps. I print off the map from my husktop and walk over to the rest of the trolls.

"Guys, I f0und a thing while I was d0ing s0me research 0n the humans, and I w0uld like t0 g0 check it 0ut," I say as I get really excited, hoping to get all the trolls to come with me, willingly or not.

"What ii2 iit AA?" Sollux asks as he looks up from his coding. The other trolls gather around, eager to hear my idea.

"There is this place 0n Earth that we can visit and it s0unds really fun! It is called "Church," S0me humans g0 0n a designated day and w0rship some0ne. There are several different churches, but this 0ne is different. It is called the LSD Church,"

By this time the humans are already in the room. "Aradia, I think you mean LDS church. LSD is a drug," Rose says

"0h," I say and look down, a little embarrassed at my mistake. "Anyway, I l00ked at a map Terezi made-"

"Y34h!" Terezi shouts. I give her the stink eye, reminding her to not interrupt me.

"There is a church that we can g0 t0, I w0uld like t0 g0 check it 0ut and see h0w it is, and I w0uld like y0u all t0 j0in me!" Everyone looks around at each other hesitantly. Silence fills the room as everyone waits for someone else's response. Rose finally speaks up.

"I would love to join you Aradia, and everyone else would like would like to come. Wouldn't they?" Rose says, making stern eye contact with everyone in the room. Rose doesn't seem intimidating, but she is. At the moment, she gives everyone the look of 'If you don't come, I am going to knit a scarf with your intestines,'

Some trolls start to nod their heads and others give me the 'Deer in the Headlights' look that Dave told me about. Gamzee opens his mouth to object.

"WhAt If We DoN't Up AnD MoThErFuCkInG WaN-" He is cut off by Rose's glare and just sits down on the floor and takes a sip of Faygo. Equius walks to the front of the crowd, sweat dripping off his arms and his head.

"I would, uh, love to go with you Aradia when is it"

"The next sessi0n is in a few h0urs. There are s0me rules, which I am sure Kankri w0uld be happy t0 explain t0 y0u if y0u d0n't pay attenti0n. Every0ne has t0 dress up. Girls in dresses, b0ys in suits. We will meet back here in 90 minutes, please be ready t0 leave." Everyone walks away, a few with a skip in their step, other with their feet not leaving the ground at all.

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⏰ Last updated: May 10, 2018 ⏰

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