Chapter 11

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Adrien's POV

I saw Marinette throw the ball at Chloe, and she won! I started to cheer for her. Then I saw her fall to the ground. "MARINETTE!" I ran to her cradling her in my arms. "No no no... SOMEONE DO SOMETHING!!" I felt tears running down my face I saw Alya crying and Nino comforting her. Soon the nurse came and checked her fever.

"She boiling hot! Pick her up and bring her to my office."

So I picked her up carefully. And followed her. "Hang in there Mari." We made it and laid her down on the bed. The nurse kicked me out of the room.

"Hey Adrien can we talk?" I looked up to see Lucas.

"Uh... s-sure?"

Alya's POV

I saw Adrien sitting in one of the chairs his face buried in his hands. Then i saw Lucas walk towards him and say something to him. Adrien followed him. I was curious about Lucas so I decided to follow them.

"Stay away from Marinette." Lucas said.

"Why should I do that?"

"She's mine and I've known her longer."


"Listen I like Marinette and the only obstacle in my way is you so I suggest that you stay away from her."


"What was that blondy!"

"I said no."

"Well I'm going to make your life miserable." Lucas walked away and Adrien stood there.

'Wait 'til Mari hears about this'
Adrien's POV

"She's awake." The nurse said.

We all rushed in at once.

"Hey Mari are you okay." Lucas asked.

"Does it look like I'm okay!" Marinette snapped at him.

"What about we do one at a time?" Suggested Alya.


"Okay since I came up with the idea I'll go first!" She slammed the door in our faces.

All I heard was. "Marinette I need to tell you something."

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