The master

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As I was walked through the town with a heavy, thick collar around my neck, being pulled by my soon-to-be old master. I saw a patch of beautiful flowers, maybe the only thing colorful I had seen in my life since my torture began. The town consisted mostly of women, some of which were at very high social statuses. Others were on one of the lowest chains of social standing. I was one of those women, which those in the same standing as me, had to, most of the time, fake a smile and pretend to be happy with their life. They had to in order to be able to keep their masters. I was being taken to a new master because mine didn't want me anymore, he thought I was no fun and that I shouldn't even exist. But that's how everyone saw me, even other slaves. Anyway, there was occasionally a women who was between those two social standings, they weren't slaves and they weren't rich or married into rich families, they just had more freedom than slaves but less freedom than blue bloods. I have been on the chain I'm on for as long as I can remember, although I remember a small bit of my family and we were originally blue bloods, but my first master wanted to take me because he loved how I looked and how I interesting I was. I suppose thinking about it now wouldn't do me any good since it's all the past. We arrived at my new masters home, all my masters were blue bloods, they had to be because they had to treat us like nothing and sometimes they would want a lot of help doing it. The master tugging me around at the moment knock on the door, a few seconds went by and the door was opened by a butler. Butlers were not treated at all like maids and slaves were. Butlers had more privilege than the women servants, actually every man had more privilege than the women. Even if they were low standing, they weren't treated like us. The butler bowed and gestures us inside, the house was neat and tidy and not one speck of dirt was there. I unconsciously clenched my hands together in fear, my gloves rubbed together. My gloves were never taken off unless it was for me to wash my hands, or if I was ordered to for a master that didn't know about why I wore them. We entered a room that was also sparkling with cleanliness. My master sat down and I stood next to him. I've had my current master for a long time, he knows I won't sit down on furniture or even the floor unless I'm demanded to. He is okay with that, he respects it, and he doesn't force me that much. He is one of the nicer masters, but he still treated my punishments very seriously, and made them as painful as possible. He treated all of his servants that way, even the butlers. Which in our town, it's illegal to punish any servant that is not a women. It isn't illegal to punish those of men who have done wrong, but the wrong must be extreme. The more extreme the wrong doing was, the harsher the punishment. Most men only do such wrongs when they want to escape from the world entirely or when they simply what to be punished for a crime they can't admit. I have done such wrongs, but I simply had to obey my first masters orders. I will never forgive myself for the sin I have done, nor will I ever be allowed to undo it. The master I would soon be attending to came into the room and sat down while shaking my current masters hand.
"Shimotani, it's good meet you. I'm sure you know my slave Willow, although she will be yours after I leave." He greeted while gesturing toward me.
"Yes, I've heard very little about her but I know a bit from other masters that she had." He exclaimed while giving me a dirty smirk.
"Yes, I'm sure you have. Oh, if it's alright, I'd like to talk about some details about her with you. Without any of your servants if I may." He asked, while giving the butler that lead us in a glare. Shimotani shook his head "yes". The butler put his hand under chin and leaned close to me.
"Miss, you should be smiling shouldn't you? I bet you want a punishment so you aren't smiling." He teased. His hand was slapped away from me by my master.
"Excuse me, but this is still me slave until I leave, you shall not touch her unless I allow you to, she has permission from me to only smile when I order her to. She is fine at the moment. Now please allow yourself to leave the room until we have finished talking." Shimotani gestured his hand to the door while looking at his butler. The butler exited the room and close the doors.
"My apologies for him, he is being a little angry with everyone because he is approaching his release date from me." Shimotani said.
"Release date?" I asked. He looked at me a bit shocked. I realized that I spoke without permission.
"Uh, yes, a release date is when a servant is replaced with someone else, today is his release date, you are taking his place but not exactly, you are simply taking his old room instead of working his position. He is upset because he was chosen for this, although he is the only butler I had but I'm getting that situated." Shimotani explained. My master grabbed my arm.
"Willow, because you have spoken with permission, and without acknowledging us about you wanted to ask something, as punishment, I want you to sit down for a one minute. If you speak without permission again, you will have to sit down for another minute." I looked disappointed, I walked over to the other side of the couch and sat down. I was horrified, many people have probably sat here and the couch probably isn't washed often. After a minute went by, I stood back up and went back to standing by my master.
"So, the details about Willow. First off, she is very sensitive and a bit emotional. She also has a very harsh and brutal past. Willow also ha-" Shimotani interrupted.
"What's her past?" He asked while staring at me. I stared over to my master, as to ask for permission.
"If you can talk about it you may, but if it brings to many memories to mind and you get to emotional I'll explain it if it's ok." I shook my head.
"Well, when I was little, I was born a blue blood. But my first master was very interested in me. He wanted me for his own, so he threatened my parents with an option of either let me die in front of them, or they give me up to him. They didn't want me to die so they gave me up. The orders from my master then, they were horrible. He did so many terrible things to me, he made me.. he made me do terrible things to them... to my parents...." I couldn't help it, I started to fall to the ground and cry. My master picked me up off the ground.
"I'll tell the rest , Willow. Go over to the window if it will make you cry again." I let him unhook my collar and stepped over to the window in the room. I still could hear the conversation perfectly clear.
"Her first master ordered her to kill her parents, Willow had to kill her father and the first master killed the mother,"

"Willows past has been very rough, she was sexually assaulted very badly as a child by her first few masters, and it never really stopped with the continuing masters of hers

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"Willows past has been very rough, she was sexually assaulted very badly as a child by her first few masters, and it never really stopped with the continuing masters of hers. Although I try not to treat her that way as I understand where she is coming from and the fears that she has, as I was too assaulted like that as a child by relatives and those of who thought I deserved it. Please understand that most of her past is a touchy topic for her, she is very obedient, and this was not a good thing when she was little because she was too obedient, she listened to everything and did it because she was told to and she knew some of the consequences she would've gotten, she was also to afraid and worried about saying no to an order. Anyway, Willow, you may come back over now." I walked over to the spot I was standing before, I leaned over to master and he hooked the leash to my collar.
"I believe that's all that's important, did I miss anything Willow?" I thought for a second. I stared back at the master and raised my heads in front of me, then moved my fingers around.
"Oh, yes, Willow wears these gloves all the time, she does not take them off unless she is ordered to or has to wash her hands. If you think they get in the way you may take them away from her, but do allow her to wash her hands as much as possible, she has a bit of mysophobia, she is more sensitive when it comes to sitting down where other people have possibly been or touching furniture that she has seen touched a lot. Please respect that of her." He explained.
"I see, I will think about how I think the gloves are but if I have a problem with them I will allow her to know. I'm grateful for having her join this household, thank you for giving her to me." Shimotani stood up and bowed. After a a bit more talk with Shimotani, the master left. I was alone with my new master.
"So Willow, we are now alone in the house. Completely, no one else is here at all." I gently raised my hand.
"Aren't there other servants here?" I asked.
"No, I don't have any other servants, I don't like that much company. I put up with more than one person in a room but it bugs me, I can only handle one person at a time." He pushed me to the floor with arms to both my sides, he hovered over me.
"So Willow, what should I do with you first now that you're mine?" He said with a seductive smile. I blushed bright red, his gentle blue hair and dark yet seducing light green eyes that were staring straight into my heart, the sunset light gleaming on him. What was happening..

 What was happening

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