Chapter 1: Culmination

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Part 1: Cassidy Arbourson

"Cass, wake up." I awoke to the sound of my cousin Elizabeth's, or as everyone calls her, Lizzy's voice She lives with me and my family, though I'm not entirely sure why. "Cass, wake UP, you're going to oversleep!" Lizzy insists.

" Alright Alright," I say. I sit up. My room is still dark, save for the light from the hall that is spilling in through my door. I look at my clock. "Oh crap, it's 7:15!" Getting out of bed I pull my uniform out of my closet and ask Lizzy to get a scone for me to eat on the way.

Once I'm dressed, my long brown hair is brushed, and my book bag is packed, I rush downstairs to meet Lizzy. I put my shoes on and collect the chocolate scone as we head out. I think I should mention that Lizzy and I go to the same school. I'm thirteen and she's twelve.

When we get to the train station, we hop onto the Berkeley Line which will bring us to Manchester Catholic School for Girls.

When the train arrives at Marcet station we get off. We see other girls in black collared dresses with blue and silver ties. These are our classmates, some of them our friends. As we walk down the street towards the church-like building, I start a mental list of the assignments I have due.

" Hey Cass, are you staying after school for the council meeting?" Lizzy asks

" Yep, I am the secretary after all" I reply.

For reasons I simply cannot understand, the student body decided I would make a good student council secretary, even though I'm probably the most disorganized person around. As we enter the school we go our separate ways. She heads to classroom 1-B for science and I head upstairs to classroom 2-A for math.

I enter the room and sit at my desk. I glance around at all the other girls chatting with their friends. I look at the clock. It says 8:05. When the bell rings everyone takes their seats. A minute later the teacher arrives. After an hour of equations and numbers, the dismissal bell rings. The rest of the day continues in this manner; a cycle of different formulas for different subjects. The last period of the day is study hall.

I usually get most of my homework or write done during this time, but for some reason I just sit there, staring off into space. my legs are tired. I don't like the feeling, and I'd rather wander around the library the period takes place in.

For some reason, I end up in the psychological horror section. One of the books in that section catches my eye. It is a mildly thick pink book with four girls in uniforms striking cutesy anime poses on the cover. It is pretty well worn but I could make out the letters D, D, L, and C. I took the book to the librarian.

" Um, excuse me, this book was misplaced and I'm not sure where it goes." She looks at me.

"Well, where did you find it?" She asks.

"The psychological horror section," I respond, showing her the book.

" Dear, that's where this book belongs," she tells me. I was surprised. " Would you like to check it out and read it for yourself?" She asks. I say yes and begin reading. I get close to halfway through the book and still don't see why it's in the PH section. It seems like it belongs in a romance section. I put the book in my bag with the intention of continuing it later

The bell rings and I remember I have a student council meeting. As I make my way to the council room, I think about the book I have sitting harmlessly in my bag. When I reach the room I am greeted by Zina Ovintine and Kimi Timms, the student body president, and vice president.

I take a seat and pull out the laptop I use for my duties as secretary. As I open MBS documents Kimi comes up to me.

"Cassidy, could you go get some whiteboard markers, we seem to be clean out."

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⏰ Last updated: May 17, 2018 ⏰

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