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edited; 5.4.21
Chapter one
Grace's Pov:
I wake up in the middle of the night to a sound of someone falling down the stairs and a glass bottle crashing and shattering onto the floor. It was Jacob. He's been coming home late drunk these past few nights.

If you must know, Jacob is my boyfriend of two years, he's been abusing me ever since he met Lance. He was never like this, he used to be sweet, he used to bring me flowers and call me cute names. Now all he does is come home drunk after hanging out with him and if something doesn't go Jacob's way when he's drunk, he gets aggressive.

I rush downstairs to get Jacob before he gets up and falls back down onto the broken glass and gets hurt. As I rush down the stairs, I notice fresh new hickeys on his neck, I roll my eyes and get to the bottom of the stairs. I reach down to get his arm to pull him up and as soon as he gets up he pushes me away, causing me to fall onto the broken glass. I hold back my tears and screams. I look at the blood streaming down my right arm and then look up at Jacob who is dying of laughter, I get up only to get shoved back down.

I watched Jacob as he went to go lay down onto the couch and drift into a deep sleep. I get up, clean the broken glass, and walk upstairs to my bathroom to get the first aid kit from the top shelf. I grab the rubbing alcohol and a tweezer, I pull out the glass bits from my arm and pour the rubbing alcohol into the cuts. I tried my hardest to hold back the screams that wanted to escape out of my mouth. I felt tears slip out my eyes and drop onto my cheeks, the more the alcohol went deep into the cut the more tears slipped out of my eyes. I wanted to say that I was partly crying because the rubbing alcohol was stinging my eyes, but I couldn't, I was hurting. Physically and mentally.

After I finished cleaning up the cuts, I got out of the bathroom and laid on my bed, I looked around my room. I took in all the pictures and memories I had with my parents, I miss them more and more every day. I start feel my eyelids get heavy and then I drifted off into a deep sleep.
Hope you guys liked this chapter
- gen <3

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⏰ Last updated: May 05, 2021 ⏰

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