A Piece Of Soul

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P. S kindly ignore the typing and grammatical mistakes... Really don't have the time to proof read it

'Dedicated to my dearest friend Maaham' 😘

It's been 9 months since Rajveer left for a secret mission... The mission he couldn't tell anything about to anyone... Not even to his family, his love, his wife, his Naina... He just told her that he had to leave urgently and that he knew nothing much about the mission and he didn't know when he would be returning... He knew nothing and that was the truth... But a soldier's life was such... And they both knew this... None of them cried while bidding goodbye to each other... But they both were dying from within.. The fear of the unknown was there... The fear of not being able to meet each other ever again was killing them both but they knew that they both had to be strong for the other.. They both knew that the moment one would cry, the other one would break and they couldn't afford that... So they both hugged each other tight as if drawing strength from each other, as if trying to imbibe the essence of the other in their soul, that will help them to live through their separation...
And that was nine months back...it's been nine excruciatingly painful months since they last saw each other and since then Naina only knew how she was surviving... Living on the edge was never easy... To not know that what next moment would bring with it was not easy... She knew how she prayed every moment of the day for his safety.... How she ate food mechanically only because she knew that he would scold her if he knew that she wasn't eating properly in his absence... It was as if she could feel his presence around her... She lived like he wanted her to... Never missing any meal, never neglecting her heath or safety, never allowing herself to be depressed... But as the night grew darker, she couldn't stop herself from crying... It was as if the walls were closing on her and she was left all alone to deal with it... She couldn't sleep because she had the habit of sleeping in his arms... Moreover how could she sleep when she didn't know how he was and where he was.. How could she sleep when she had no idea if he had eaten his dinner or not or was he getting enough sleep or not...

But she couldn't allow herself to break.... Not only for him but for someone else too... She slowly kept a hand on her belly and felt a movement... The reason she was still breathing without him was inside her... His love, his flesh, his soul... Their baby... She still couldn't believe that she was full term pregnant and their baby was due to arrive any day now... She still remembers that last night they had spent together... Not able to enough of each other, not leaving each other for a second.. It was as if they both were trying to memorize every little detail about each other.. The impending separation acted as a fuel to the already simmering passion and before they knew they were neck deep into passion... The thought of protection never came to them....They didn't want anything between them...and now she was here all alone with his heart beating inside her...
It wasn't easy for her to carry on with this pregnancy... They had talked about having kids and she knew how much he wanted his own family... She knew he had so many dreams about their first born and when the time came he wasn't there to see his dream coming true... She still remembered the day she came to know about her pregnancy... That was the day she had first tried to find about him through the headquarters against rules.. She wanted him to be the first one to know about his baby and she had tried so hard to give him that happiness but as expected she was refused blatantly that no information about his location could be given.. She still remembered painfully that she didn't disclose about her pregnancy to anyone for three long months... Waiting everyday for a miracle that would bring him back to her, to them... But everyone came to know about her pregnancy the day she had fainted at the base... Aalekh who was also posted with her there didn't question her decision of not disclosing such a big news to him or to anyone... He probably understood why she did that and he had simply hugged her tight saying that he was there with her till Rajveer Sir came back... And true to his words he had never left her alone.. He was still a door away, living with her in her home, in Rajveer and Naina's home... When she had asked him to not bother, he replied that he was her brother and it was his duty to look after her and moreover he couldn't let his Rajveer Sir down.. He had to answer his Rajveer Sir that he looked after his wife when he wasn't there... That made her agree to let him stay with her...
And truthfully she was scared to live alone too.. She was scared that would lose the strength to fight if left alone.... To live through her pregnancy without him was the most difficult thing for her... To not being able to share little things about their growing baby was heart breaking for her.. The first sonogram picture was still kept in their cupboard waiting for him to come back and have a look at it... That day was so painful for her... She saw their baby for the first time and she couldn't hold his hand while doing so... From there on she had been living series of such moments where she wanted him by her side to live every little thing about their baby but destiny didn't allow them to experience this joy of parenthood together... She was handling herself well till now but now when her delivery was due, she was growing weak...She couldn't imagine being alone when their baby arrived... She could not bear the pain of him not being the first one to pick their baby up... She couldn't tolerate anyone seeing their baby before him and she definitely couldn't name their baby herself.. She wanted him to name their baby... Why was God testing their love like this, she had no idea...

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