|| † Chapter 8 † ||

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Hey you guys! Well, the last chapter was suppose to get at least 5 votes, but you guys didn't come through...but it's okay. I decided to just keep writing....next time I won't be so nice, ya hurd me?

Picture of Melissa and Bianca's outfit, and Ricky

To clear things up:

Simone: 17; Junior

Deandre: 17; Junior

Kendrell and Kendrick: 17; Juniors

Tamari and Essence: 17: Juniors

Zaria& Tesarae: 20 & 4 (very smart for her age)

Melissa & Bianca: 21 & 3

Terrence: 22

Ricky: 23

Marcel: 24

Gabby: 22


Chapter 8:

Melissa's P.O.V

It's been two days since the incident at Terrence's house, and Terrence hasn't called me since. Quite frankly, I really give zero fucks. Fuck him and that loose pussy hoe. Wanna know how I know Shayla got that pussy on the loose? I heard that she fucked one of Terrence's men. You know, one of the guys that sells Terrence's drugs. Yeah, Terrence is a drug dealer. They say he the best drug dealer in the United States. I heard some boy up in Cali, who still in high school, is head and head with Terrence for the number one spot. I also heard that Terrence is taking a little trip to the West Coast for a little meeting with the boy. I hope he don't hurt the little boy. Well, hurt as in kill.

"Mommy, I wanna gwo to wing shack!" Bi-Bi yelled jumping up and down, knocking me out of my thoughts.

I looked at her and smiled, "You just want to go for the juice huh baby?" I asked already knowing the answer.

She nodded while chanting the word juice over and over.

I just shook my head and picked her up. We went to her room to pick out an outfit for her. I picked out her denim romper, a navy and white striped shirt to go under it, and her navy blue converse.

Don't think she get everything she wants, cause the only reason I wanna go is because I'm hungry too.

I decided to text Marcel to meet us at wing shack , and he replied back saying alright, see you there.

I put her down, so I could dress her. When I was done dressing her, I sat her down to do her hair.

"Bianca, you wanna wear your hair down or up?" I asked already getting the scrunchies. When my baby wears dressy stuff she usually has her hair up or pinned down.

"Up Mommy, up!"

I chuckled and kissed the top of her head.

She brings joy to my life. When my parents kicked me out, I blamed her. She wasn't even out of me yet, but I still did it. Hell, I was only like a month pregnant when I told my family. But overtime, I realized that GOD only gives us blessings and miracles, and Bianca Monroe James is a miracle and a blessing to me. Because of my doings I didn't to experience the college life, but I'm working on getting my degree online .

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