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Finally, the red wood-panelled door is pulled inside and what I notice first is the green foliage behind. I blink in surprise and look over my shoulder for no good reason; maybe I just felt the sudden urge to run away. After all, who grows a forest inside a house?!

No, wait. Who had even opened the door?

"Ex...cuse me? Is this the... the Cordwainer's place?" I ask hesitantly, gripping my poly-bag tightly, ready to swing it as a weapon if someone shady dared to show up.

"Good gracious, of course!" announces someone cheerfully from behind the door. I automatically raise the poly-bag over my head and plant my feet firmly in combat mode. But the very next moment, a grinning middle-aged lady pops her head around the red frame and beckons me inside. She looks me up and down for a second before she bursts out laughing.

"Trust me, I'm harmless even with the tools!" She steps out properly into the doorway, dressed in a blue shirt and black trousers with a greasy, green apron tied over it. Her gloved hands hold the "tools" she mentioned, waving them around as if they will not harm a fly even.

"Yeah...right. That does not really console me. If nothing else, it makes me more wary of you." I back away slowly, quite certain in my mind now to not get involved at all.

"But your sneakers need to be fixed, no? I'll give you a hammer to hold if that makes you feel safer. Or a chisel. Why don't you come in and you can choose your weapon, yes?"

I firmly shake my head. Her kind smile and the expectant tilt of her head do not ease my discomfort either. If nothing else, it confirms one thing for me – I am definitely part of a horror movie now! And not even one of those kinder ones, but the gory, blood spilling everywhere sort!

Okay, do not panic. You'll be fine. Do not panic. Oh, who am I kidding?! It's always a kind-looking person who's the serial killer! I'm going to die today! I showed my face! I should have worn a mask!

I watch her place her palm over the doorframe and drum her fingers against it. Her countenance still bears the look of someone inviting a guest in. There is not a hint of maliciousness in her eyes. But...is that pity?

My head begins to swim all of a sudden. My vision too loses focus till everything blurs so badly, it appears like a canvas of splashed paints run amok into each other.

And then it all blackens.

There's a constant blink of bright lights that hit my eyelids and I open my eyes, a groan escaping through my lips. Red, blue, green, orange...so many colours blink into my tired pupils that I have to shade them with my palm as I look up at the source of this polychromatic light.

Black background, once more, except for the huge billboard sized block letters that reads:


And a smaller font at the top of "STOP" spells out the one word I have begun to hate: Cordwainer.

"Oh, for the love of –!"

A sudden slap on my back wakes me up. I cough and raise my eyelids slightly before I shut them down again. Maybe if I do not look at her, she will not see me either? No? The ostrich escape does not work? Why not?!

"I know it's bright in here, but you'll adjust to the light if you open your eyes. Come on."

Her words are soothing, comforting, and I comply.

Tell me that is not how predators prey. Go on.


A/N: ....And she's inside the shady Cordwainer's house! What's gonna happen next?! Read and find out! xD

On a totally related note, how do you find the main character, aka the narrator? And do you have any thoughts on the Cordwainer too?

Let me know your thoughts through the comments, votes and shares!!

Have a wonderful, un-spooky day!! =D

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