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„Oh look!", Jihee pointed onto the hairbands from the shop in the park. She ran over to them like a little kid and Hyunjin couldn't stop smiling. 'She looks so cute', he thought.

„Put this one on.", she gave him a hairband with mickey mouse ears.

„They look so cute on you!", she jumped cutely on her place. She looked around to find one for her but she didn't like them that much.

„If im mickey than you are minnie ok?", Hyunjin gave her a hairband with pink minnie mouse ears and a little loop on it.

„Awww, this looks so cute on you. Now we are like a couple.", Hyunjin said and let the little girl blush a bit.

„Let's pay them first and then take a picture.", he went over to the cashier and payed. Then he came back and put his phone out.

„Say cheese.", both of them smiled and hold a peace sign up. She was happy of the photo because it looked really cute.

„Now where do you wanna go next?"

„Let's go to the rollercoaster.", she grabbed his hand and went over to the giant thing.
They sat down and it immediately started. It went slow after it would be really high and fast.

„If you are afraid you can hold onto my arm.", he smirked to the girl. You could see that she was really afraid but she tried her best to show that.

„Pff as if. Im not af-WAHHHH!", she quickly grabbed his hand and hold tightly onto it. She was really scared and kept her eyes closed. Over the whole ride she hold onto his arm and didn't let go.

„Yeah, your not afraid.", he whispered into her ear and she immediately opened her eyes. She looked around and got goosebumps.

„Come out now it's finished."

„Oh.", she let out a sigh and get out of the rollercoaster. Her legs were trembling and she didn't feel good. Her head was aching and she felt like she was about to throw up.

„Hyunjin. Im not feeling well."

„Let's go home. It's getting late.", he patted her back and slowly went out of the amusement park.
She was feeling a bit better but was still having a headache. She felt guilty to finish the amusement park trip so fast but Hyunjin didn't mind at all.

„You're feeling better now?", she nodded her head in response and he let go of her back. The warmness was gone and now she felt a shiver down her spine.

„Im hungry wanna go eat?"

„Hmm.", she hummed and nodded her head. He went before her and walked to a near shop.
He took ramens and some kimchi, she was taking the same and now they sat down eating and not talking at all. The cute Hyunjin from before was gone and he didn't seem to be happy. He looked upset.

„What's wrong?", she asked him. Usual she would just finish her food and didn't talk too him but it was bothering her.

„Hm, what?"

„Why are you like this?"

„Like what?"

„Don't do as if you are stupid, you know what I mean."

„Fine. It's just...I.."

„You what? Hyunjin tell me."


„Ok please say it slowly, I didn't understand a thing."

„Im not ready for the marriage."

„That's why. Why didn't you said me this earlier?"

„I had to think of it."

„Am I dumb or why don't I get what you mean."

„Yes you're dumb.", he rolled his eyes.

„Look, I thought of the marriage. Tomorrow we have to marry each other then go to our OUR apartment. And then on Thursday we are going to the camp, the others will know about the marriage. What will they think of us?"

„The question is, do they have to think of us? It's our business and our live, they can not interfere. I don't care what they are thinking of us."

„You're right. Our parents wouldn't know if I have an own apartment or something like that. After all we have our own rooms and live „separated", and also I can move out so I won't bother you."

„Yeah...wait what? You wanna m-move out?"

„Maybe. I mean our final exams are coming soon and then I will try to find a job and can live with my money alone."

„Oh...okay.", it felt like a dream just felt apart in front of her eyes. Is it that what she get after everything?

„You seem disappointed. Are you caring for me?", he put his arms on the table and went near her looking at Jihee.

„Pfff, me and caring about you? Ha ha, as if.", she let out a nervous laugh.

„Yeah, as if.", he said with a disappointed voice and turned away his head looking out the window.

'She wouldn't care if I go away after all.'

'He wouldn't care if I go away after all.'

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