Chapter 15

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Taeyong's POV

As the car approached the church, fans all wearing black came to view. There was evidence of clear crying from their red, puffy faces.

My heart raced as the car inched closer, eventually reaching the small church, I walked inside with my plain black suit, maintaining my cold image.

There were many fans that came, all of different origins and religion. Though there was a huge amount of both fans and reporters, the surrounding place was only covered with heavy silence, having occasional sobs being heard.

There was no need for any bodyguard to stand by me, since no one seemed to try to her close to me. As if everyone was glued to the ground, not one moved an inch any closer or farther from where they stand.

I closed my eyes as I saw Mark's family, his parents were seen crying themselves away. Mark's older brother only slumped down to the floor of the wide halls of the church, clasping onto his hands. He only sat on the floor, not daring to look up, I watched him carefully as I passed.

Every moment felt like eternity, and every step I took, felt like I was only getting farther. I sat on one of the many pews, there were many close relatives and friends that came. Seeing from a safe distance, all of NCT, trying to keep themselves straight face, but I still knew of the pain they were feeling.

Time passed by like an injured turtle, painfully slow. I felt my heart sink down to my chest, forcing me to suck up my dreaded tears.

I could only watch as the priest says his prayers, saying Amen in behold of all of us. It gave me my very own heart attack watching as they brought in his coffin.

I felt useless,

I sat there, watching how they placed his coffin so gently onto the podium. I felt like fucking shit, my love, my happiness, my closure, left me, and I'm labelled useless, worthless, I cant do anything about the death of Mark Lee.


I felt my hot tears roll down my face as I watched them bury his coffin. I felt myself enclosed with the sobs I hear around me. My members finally broke once seeing the coffin, they shed tears as they watched in vain, their close friend be buried under the dirt, to be forever lost in memory, to be covered with earth's soil.

That was it.

I fell unconscious, I don't know why, but my brain, my muscles, my whole body stopped functioning for an entire second.

There was no need to live without the person that made me feel like I actual loved in years. But now that he's gone, what really is the point?

As I pondered left and right, I felt the hot tears flow right out my eyes, this time having no end to it. I only kneeled down, feeling nothing but worthlessness.

And then I was covered.

Covered with pure darkness, every thing around me, was nothing but cold and dead darkness. Soon people of all faces started to appear from behind the darkness, and though they were all different, they had one thing similar...

They were all crying tears of blood.


I shot up from my bed, squinting my eyes from the sudden brightness. I soon brought my fingers to my eyes to see if I was...

Crying. Of course.

I stood up from where I laid, ignoring my oddly numb body that had no stamina to move whatsoever.

I dragged my body to the bathroom, closing the door once inside. I stared in shock as I watched my face roll down tears unconsciously, nothing but tears came up.

I rubbed my puffy face with a towel, eventually taking a shower to ease the pain for only a while. The water that was showered down at me, could only cover my still flowing tears for so long until covering it up will be of no use.

I stepped out the shower, feeling the cold temperature hit my naked body. Yet my body had no responce, in fact, it was as if I was immune to it.

Well I guess I do feel numb...

I recalled the still numb limbs that I currently possess. I rushed to my room, wearing my casual clothes before laying on my bed softly. I held tightly the necklace that I longed to give Mark.

I held it tightly enough for it to leave my hands pale from the blood that stayed away from where the necklace was pushed down.

I looked at my very own neck, only to see the same necklace with a slight difference to it. It had my style, whilst Mark's had his.

It took me countless hours of observation to make such choices, but I still feel proud of how it came to be.

I even planned to give it after he came from his schedule, but he didn't. I still remember my rushing state, just to get to see him, just to have hope that he will be okay.

Those words of the doctors, of supposedly matured adults that have experience, their words are complete bullshit.

He will be okay,

he won't die,

he is in good health,

he will live,


That was the only question I begged the gods to answer. I only want to feel less stressed than I already am.

Since before, I stressed myself out with Mark, trying my best for him, made stupid statements to keep him away from others, even going to the point of glaring at other who dared to come close.

I still have no regrets for that, it was love that took over me. And if I was willing to let my foolishness take over, then it means he matters more than my own reputation.

That stayed at the back of my mind. Those words should be enough to remind of how much I love that idiot. I smiled, looking like an idiot as I stared at the plain walls.

After some time, I decided to ask our different manager of his health, only falling to deep pain as I heard his sorrowful and saddened words.


Something isn't right, don't you think? If you haven't noticed, I took my writing more seriously. But really, if you have not seen, I placed an out of place YouTube video on the top of last chapter. It's an obvious direct to who'll be Taeyong's rival.

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